Version 27 of Monthly Virtual Meetup

Updated 2022-08-05 07:08:14 by stevel

The monthly Tcl Virtual Meetup is held the second Tuesday of each month, the time varies from month-to-month to accomodate various timezones.

The next meetup will be held at [clock format 1660053600] - Tuesday August 9, 2022 7am US West, 9am US central, 10am US east, 3pm UK, 4pm Western Europe, 7:30pm India, 10pm Australia West / Singapore / China, 11pm Japan, midnight Australia east, Wednesday New Zealand).

The meeting is kindly hosted by Flightaware on Zoom, use this link to join. If that link doesn't work you can connect to Zoom and use Meeting ID: 890 3016 0330 Passcode: 266833 or dial-in via a local number found via this link

Notes from previous meetings: