Version 5 of Wiki with style

Updated 2007-10-24 11:25:36 by stevel

On 24 October 2007 the Wiki received a makeover - and there's more to come!

Whilst not yet perfect (nor will it ever be) the new Wiki contains the same contents as the old, but presented in a fresher and (hopefully) more "newbie" friendly way.

The main difference you'll notice is the menu and Table of Contents (TOC) on the left. You can turn it on and off using the "Show menu" / "Hide menu" links at the bottom of each page.

An attempt has been made to make the Wiki render acceptably well on all common platforms (Firefox, Safari, Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera, IE6, IE7). IE6 has some issues but they are mostly cosmetic (e.g. the spurious highlighting of some entries in the menu). The solution is to install Firefox :)

The look and feel are the first steps in the makeover.

Comments, suggestions and problem reports are welcome and encouraged - but please recognise that for every 10 Tclers there will be at least 12 opinions relating to web design.

The TOC is an initial "placeholder" and is being revised by Sean Deely Woods and others with experience in cataloging. It might be best to withhold any comments on the TOC contents until the next revision.

Please record suggestions via so that they can be tracked.

The work was performed by Jos Decoster, Steve Landers and Colin McCormack.