Version 95 of exec

Updated 2008-01-28 15:06:52 by evilson

{ contains the formal reference info for exec.

Exec is used to hand process flow control from your application over to the operating system, and requesting the operating system invoke a new command.

Examples summarizing various methods of exec:

  • Simple command:
        exec /bin/sort -u /tmp/ -o /tmp/data.out
  • 2 process pipeline
        exec /bin/sort -u /tmp/ | /bin/wc -l
  • Command with arguments in variables
        exec /bin/sort -T [file dirname $sorted_name] -o $sorted_name $name
  • Command with file globbing
        eval [list exec ls -l] [glob *.tcl]
  • [Insert other common exec type uses]
  • [Update the above examples with appropriate error handling, etc.]


See also exec ampersand problem - exec quotes problem - exec magic - exec path

For interpreting errors from external programs: exec and error information

exec and multiple command line arguments (took me weeks to find solution):

 set cmd "/path/to/your/"
 set my_arg_1 "first"
 set my_arg_2 "second"

 # solution:
 set runcmd [list exec $cmd $my_arg_1 $my_arg_2]

 if {[catch $runcmd res]} {
   error "Failed to run command $runcmd: $res"

 puts "result is: $res"

Many times people use exec expecting the syntax to be the same as either a Bourne / C shell, or some other favorite invocation interface, or at the very least the same as typing commands at an interactive tcl console prompt.

They discover quickly they are wrong.

First difference - a concept often referred to as wild cards. Tcl does not automatically expand wild cards. So where as in shell you might type

 myapp a*

in Tcl, you would type

 eval exec myapp [glob a*]

(LV says "Yes, very ugly. One of several things about Tcl that prevents me from considering tclsh as a usable interactive shell environment." Arjen Markus: see below)

Second difference - redirection of stderr. For whatever reason, the Tcl gods deigned to use csh's redirection notation. Read the above mentioned reference documentation for the specific ramifications of this statement.

Bryan Moore wrote:

 > What is the best way to check the return code from an O/S level command
 > from within a Tcl script?

KBK: Wrap up your [exec] in a [catch] command, like so:

    set status [catch {exec $theCommand $arg1 $arg2 ...} result]

Now you can find out with the combination of $status and $errorCode.

    if { $status == 0 } {

        # The command succeeded, and wrote nothing to stderr.
        # $result contains what it wrote to stdout, unless you
        # redirected it

    } elseif { [string equal $::errorCode NONE] } {

        # The command exited with a normal status, but wrote something
        # to stderr, which is included in $result.

    } else {

        switch -exact -- [lindex $::errorCode 0] {

            CHILDKILLED {
                foreach { - pid sigName msg } $::errorCode break

                # A child process, whose process ID was $pid,
                # died on a signal named $sigName.  A human-
                # readable message appears in $msg.


            CHILDSTATUS {

                foreach { - pid code } $::errorCode break

                # A child process, whose process ID was $pid,
                # exited with a non-zero exit status, $code.


            CHILDSUSP {

                foreach { - pid sigName msg } $::errorCode break

                # A child process, whose process ID was $pid,
                # has been suspended because of a signal named
                # $sigName.  A human-readable description of the
                # signal appears in $msg.


            POSIX {

                foreach { - errName msg } $::errorCode break

                # One of the kernel calls to launch the command
                # failed.  The error code is in $errName, and a
                # human-readable message is in $msg.



One recurring question newcomers ask is about "How to display the result of an external command in a widget".

David Wijnants wrote in c.l.t ([L1 ]):

Tcl 'reaps child processes' when exec is called, but if you've got a long-running process, with a long time between execs, the zombies will hang around for a long time. One solution is to do a pro-forma exec every couple of seconds.

 proc grimreaper {} {
    catch { exec "" }
    after 3000 grimreaper

Just call this procedure once during initialisation, and it'll do the job every three seconds. The effect on CPU seems to be non-existent.

RS 2007-11-05: exec "" throws an error after searching PATH etc. It may be more gentle to call an existing "dummy" like exec true, as noted today on c.l.t..

Falco Paul: you may one day want to execute a long running process and have its output sent both to screen and some log file. On UNIX, you would do stuff like that with the 'tee' command. Here is a TCL implementation that works for UNIX and WIN32 environments. It's done by starting the command in a pipe. One of the nice features of this approach is that the output is flushed to the screen right away, as the command runs.

 proc execpipe {COMMAND} {

 if { [catch {open "| $COMMAND 2>@stdout"} FILEHANDLE] } {

   return "Can't open pipe for '$COMMAND'"


 fconfigure $PIPE -buffering none

 set OUTPUT ""

 while { [gets $PIPE DATA] >= 0 } {
   puts $DATA
   append OUTPUT $DATA "\n"

 if { [catch {close $PIPE} ERRORMSG] } {

   if { [string compare "$ERRORMSG" "child process exited abnormally"] == [equal] } {

     # this error means there was nothing on stderr (which makes sense) and
     # there was a non-zero exit code - this is OK as we intentionally send
     # stderr to stdout, so we just do nothing here (and return the output)

   } else {

     return "Error '$ERRORMSG' on closing pipe for '$COMMAND'"



 regsub -all -- "\n$" $OUTPUT "" STRIPPED_STRING


For a similar construct, see Another BgExec (MHo).

Cameron Laird wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup on the << "operator" in exec which allows feeding stdin right from Tcl, without going through a file: I emphasize this: not only is "<< ... another of Tcl's nice magics", but it's one poorly known even to many experienced Tcl-ers, AND its absence from exec's correspondents in Python and Perl is a considerable inconvenience.

In a later posting, Cameron says:

It's valuable to realize that exec difficulties can sometimes be circumvented by exploitation of open. In the context of avoiding exec's unescapable special characters, I prefer to use the far-too-little-understood << argument, in the manner of

  set url
  exec [file join $env(COMSPEC)] << "start \"\" \"$url\"

[ RJ I just saw this used on another page. Is the "<<" interpreted in Tcl or the shell? Are there other "exec" redirectors?] MHo: It's interpreted by TCL...

FPX: Have a look at tk_exec, which is supposed to be a drop-in replacement for exec that keeps the event loop rolling, e.g. to keep GUIs updated and responsive.

Arjen Markus The remark above by LV intrigued me for a while, but I now have a solution:

  • Adjust unknown to translate well-known commands like ls that will typically take such patterns as *.txt so that the correct shell invocation is used
  • For instance: "ls *.txt" translates into "exec sh -c {ls *.txt}"

LV: Of course, translating automatically has to worry about things like tcl vs shell variables, tcl constructs like [command], evals, etc. Also, probably should use /bin/sh instead of sh.

See also Is tclsh or wish suitable as a login shell?

VFS contains discussion of whether 'exec' is usefully extended to deal with virtual file systems, also on VFS, exec and command pipelines. Also, take a look at execx.

Modifying the UNIX environment when calling exec:

I think it is the case that ALL unices (and I hope OSX is included) have the program /usr/bin/env, the purpose of which is to modify environment for exec'd (including Tcl exec calls) processes.

 exec /usr/bin/env PATH=/my/new/path:\$PATH progname

KBK writes on comp.lang.tcl:

If a string has been built up using the list commands, for instance list and lappend, then it is always well-formed as a command. The first element of the list (element number zero) will be the command name and the remaining elements will be what the command sees as its parameters. This method, in fact, is one of only a very few ways to construct command strings that have the desired parameters when one or more of the parameters contains user-supplied data, possibly including nasties like backslashes or unbalanced braces.

In particular, using double-quotes and the string commands such as append is NOT safe for constructing command strings with arbitrary data.

Moreover, eval and its friends give you special support for the technique of using lists as commands. If a command being evaluated is a "pure" list, that is, one that was constructed using the list commands and has never acquired a string representation, then the evaluator is able to short-circuit the parsing process, knowing that all arguments have been substituted. It doesn't need to do the (fairly expensive) scan for $- - and \- substitution, nor balance "" and {}, but can go directly to looking up the command name and invoking it.

SB, 2002-11-10 -- Didn't grasp what KBK said before I had also read eval and tried to use exec myself. Came up with an example to illustrate how important that eval is:

 set db(1,package) "Gtk"
 set db(1,confprog) "gtk-config --version"               ;# Could be unsafe, but work here
 set db(2,package) "Glib"
 set db(2,confprog) "glib-config --version"              ;# Alert
 set db(3,package) "Guile"
 set db(3,confprog) [list guile-config --version]        ;# Should be safe; is proper list
 set db(lastid) 3

 for {set i 1} {$i <= $db(lastid)} {incr i} {
        catch {eval exec $db($i,confprog)} result        ;# This is ok
        catch {exec $db($i,confprog)} surprise_result    ;# Not what I wanted
        puts [format "%-20s: %s" $db($i,package) $result]
        puts [format "%-20s: %s" $db($i,package) $surprise_result]

Someone recently wrote asking why

 exec rm -i file1 file2

didn't seem to work. Turns out that one has to do something like this:

 catch {exec rm -i /tmp/a /tmp/b /tmp/c 1>@stdout 2>@stderr 0<@stdin} results

[can someone suggest updates to the above to make error handling more robust?]

[Can anyone explain why this is necessary? And why for this command, but not others?]

['Wonder if we can get DGP to say a few words on how exec users should think about auto_execok ...?]

LV Could someone provide an example of how one would execute a pipeline of commands, some of which require arguments that, in shell, would be inside quotes? For instance, how would this shell construct translate?

        /bin/ps -ax | my_filter arg1 arg2 | awk '{ print $1}'

Yes, I know we could do without the awk - the point is that sometimes, the awk code may be simpler, or just what the writer is more comfortable writing, or maybe not even awk but something else that similarly requires the quotes, etc.

RS: What single quotes are to /bin/sh and friends, are braces for Tcl. So (one layer for Tcl, one layer for awk):

 exec /bin/ps -ax | my_filter arg1 arg2 | awk {{ print $1}}

TV Don't forget cygwin (I think it is) to do Unix things under most windows versions from 95 onward, exec can call them, too. Or use ls and grep and such from some lib (like bwise, its has them in limited but useful form), or program them in tcl...

Some fundamental issues about the exec are mentioned in the manual itself, and cygwin for instance under the sort of common windows os-es makes attempts to solve some problems with multiprocessing. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a decent Unix anywhere? But then with which X?

AM (17 march 2004) I ran into a strange phenomenon while trying to tame an external program on Windows:

  • I used [open "|myprog.exe"] to start the program (as usual, in combination with fileevent)
  • Rather than a nice display of the output of this program in a window, I saw a mass of DOS boxes appear and disappear. Presumably the program I tried to control was calling out to batch files or other programs ...
  • I could solve this (with help from the Tkchat room) by executing the program via an ordinary batch file. This was the incantation:
   set infile [open "|[auto_execok run.bat]"]
  • It can probably be stripped down, but this worked fantastically (the batch file, run.bat simply starts the original program and that is now quietly doing its job).

JB If you need to store the output of an exec into a list the split command is useful. This will split up the text (note the newline \n) with carriage returns so you can easily manipulate the output. Handy if you're trying to pull information out of a repetitive list.

  set result [split [nmap -sP] \n]
  foreach l $result { puts stdout [lindex $l 1]}

male - 14 Sep. 2004:

Again: the exit code of a piped executable

Our problem is, that an external company provides an C executable (on Windows) using old FORTRAN functionality mapped in a DLL. This FORTRAN code returns failure code integers using 4Bytes (INTEGER*4). These failure codes are used as exit code of the C executable.

Catching the close on the blocked command channel to the C executable let the exit code be stored in side the global errorCode variable.

So far so good!

Now the problem!

On Windows the exit function in C allows to use a 4Byte integer (int or int32). But we get only the last byte of the exit code.

example: the original failure & exit code is 655, the exit code in tcl via errorCode is 143 (655 & 255 = 143)

Has anybody a tip how to avoid this? Any hint or suggestion? Please think of the fact that the executable is not maintained by us; it's a company external executable! Or is this a tcl specialty to be platform independent by supporting only an 1-byte--sized integer as exit code in command channels? MHo: Perhaps you can try to use get_process_exit_code from twapi?

male - 14th Sep. 2004: (my own answer)

It's a pity that the Microsoft Windows platform exit code is strictly reduced from 4 bytes to 1 byte!

The comp.lang.tcl thread decribes this.

George Peter Staplin: I found that with my file manager there were some problems with exec and mplayer. If I started my file manager with & (in pdksh) then mplayer would block waiting for stdin, but if I started it as a foreground process it worked properly. This is how I fixed the problem (verified to work with another Tcl/Tk program and mplayer by Steve Redler IV):

 proc nullexec {f} {
  # This is needed for applications like mplayer.
  if {![info exists ::nullexec_closed_stdin]} {
   catch {close stdin}
   open /dev/null r
   set ::nullexec_closed_stdin 1
  if {[catch {eval exec -- $f >& /dev/null &} pid] && "NONE" ne $::errorCode} {
   tk_messageBox -title Error -message $pid -type ok

It works by replacing stdin with an fd pointing to /dev/null.

KBK gave this example for building an exec command dynamically, in the Tcl chatroom:

        set command exec
        lappend command gcc
        lappend command -c -O3
        lappend command -fpic -march=pentium4 -fomit-frame-pointer
        lappend command foo.c bar.c grill

followed by

        eval $command

LES on May 07 2005: what if the command may take a really long time to finish and return and I want to set a time limit for a proc to return whether the exec'ed command is done or not? How?

LV What do you want to happen in the case of a time out? I mean, with exec, you can use & and just go on and do work, but then, I don't know that tcl has a way to determine whether the command completed or not. Or, you could use [open "| command" "r"] , which puts the command in the background, then do some sort of setup where you check for output occasionally, and check to see how much time has elapsed, and you could then close the file handle when a time limit has passed. Or perhaps you could use after to set up some sort of thing to set of an alarm when the time limit has passed.

LES: "Set up some sort of alarm"? Yes, I would like to say: " - Hey, Tcl, remember that exec or open command I just mentioned a couple of lines ago? Well, forget about it, I don't care what it returns anymore." But how? I think about it and imagine some sort of break command for exec situations, but there is no such thing.

Take a look at Another BgExec. The only problem there is that a timeout only closes the process pipelines but probably leave the processes running due to tcl's lack of a built-in kill-command...

sbron 16 Aug 2005: exec can also be used to make a script withdraw itself to the background

Guillaume Plenier on 28/07/05: I am currently working at a starpack including executables for which I wrote a Tcl-tk graphical interface. Everything works fine on my computer because the executable files are in my path, but if I take the starpack and run it under another computer, I have error messages like " -executable- command not find" or something close to that. I tried several things to indicate where my executable files are for exec to find them, but apparently exec looks in the computer path variable to find the unknown programs and not where indicated (I changed env(PATH), used $starkit::topdir etc...)

MG 28/7/2005: You could try something like this:

  set paths [list ~/path/number/1 ~/path/number/2 ../path/number/3]
  set success 0
  foreach x $paths {
        if { [file exists [file join $x $fileToExec]] } {
             set success 1
             exec [file join $x $fileToExec]
  if { ! $success } {
       # we didn't find it in any of out paths - try just exec'ing and hope for the best
       catch {exec $fileToExec}

Peter Newman 29 July 2005: DOS/Windows can't run EXEs (or DLLs) that are physically in the StarKit/Pack. You'll have to extract them first. MHo: Concerning DLLs, you are wrong: Doing a load in Starkits/Starpacks automatically copies the DLLs to a temporary location before loading.... execx could be a partial solution for exec...

For more info. check out the freewrap docs. There's discussion there about embedded binary files - and some techniques for dealing with them.

Guillaume Plenier on 31/07/05: I don't like the idea of extracting my executables first and will probably try to find other solutions.

MHo: It seems to me that if starting Win32-Console-mode-Applications, exec does not create a new console window (this is an option in the original win32-api create process, see [L2 ]). By default, the execed process inherits the console from the parent process. This is sometimes not correct. While the Win32-Console-Api is absolutely Win32-specific and this topic is not of interest to the tcl programmers in general, it would be fine if one would be sometimes able to have granular control over such exotic, platform specific options - unfortunately, twapi isn't at this stage of development always an alternative yet.

Sarnold: When I build a command as a list to be evaluated, I have found that, on Windows, the path of the executable behaves like a list when it contains spaces. For example,

 c:\Program Files\Tcl\bin\wish.exe

is always converted to :

 {c:\Program Files\Tcl\bin\wish.exe}

when you call

 eval exec $cmd

The best solution I found was to call exec like this :

 eval exec [lindex $cmd 0] [lrange $cmd 1 end]

This is a bug that Ased and CrowTDE suffer from, on Windows XP.

MG Another solution is to force the shortname, without spaces:

  set path {c:\Program Files\Tcl\bin\wish.exe}
  catch {set path [file attributes $path -shortname]}

On Windows, $path will now be set to


(you can add in a file nativename if you want to keep back slashes instead of forward slashes). In fact, it's probably a good idea to do that whenever you're passing a path to something outside your own program, if you can't guarantee it (and anything it may need to call) can handle paths with spaces. The only time you really need to use the real path is when you're displaying it to the user for something, at which point something clearer to read is preferable.

20070720 Sarnold: I have found the solution to handle properly spaces in files names, in a cross-platform manner:

 eval exec \"[auto_execok wish]\" \"$pwd/tkcon.tcl\"
 exec \"[auto_execok wish]\" \"$pwd/tkcon.tcl\"

It works fine even with eval. But soon I realised I was wrong. Please read the following post:

Lars H: I find that claim very unlikely, Sarnold. auto_execok is documented to return a list (even if the length of that list is typically 1), so if there is a space in the path to the executable then the return value is typically brace-delimited, like so:

  {c:\Program Files\Tcl\bin\wish.exe}

(Stangely, I could take that example from another post by Sarnold above. Are there two Sarnolds on the wiki?) Neither the eval exec nor the exec examples above get rid of these braces. In the exec example also the quotes are handed to exec, whereas in the eval exec example they are removed but OTOH the backslash path separators trigger backslash substitutions!

In 8.5, the canonical method should instead be

  exec {*}[auto_execok wish] [file join $pwd tkcon.tcl]

which in 8.4, with proper list-quoting, can be coded as

  eval [list exec] [auto_execok wish] [list [file join $pwd tkcon.tcl]]

In TIP # 304 [L3 ], Alexandre Ferrieux writes: A popular workaround for script-only purists [who want to get at the stderr of a command] is to spawn an external "pump" like cat in an [*open* ... r+], and redirect the wanted stderr to the write side of the pump. Its output can then be monitored through the read side:

           set pump [open "|cat" r+]
           set f1 [open "|cmd args 2>@ $pump" r]
           fileevent $f1 readable got_stdout
           fileevent $pump readable got_stderr

Now this is all but elegant of course, difficult to deploy on Windows (where you need an extra cat.exe), and not especially efficient since the "pump" consumes context switches and memory bandwidth only to emulate a single OS pipe when Tcl is forced to create two of them via [*open* ... r+].

MSW Note that piping stderr and stdout simultaneously won't work for all operating systems. I remember having problems on solaris with lost data through the pipes (one filled up while the other wasn't drained?). I had to redirect stuff to files and watch the files to follow the output (invoked program in question was cvs). Furthermore buffering differences hurt when you try to simultaneously catch err and out. I did not try the exact proposed solution above. Someone with solaris 8 and 9 might want to test this (don't have access to one atm).

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