Version 79 of glob

Updated 2016-11-16 08:04:44 by pooryorick

glob , a [Tcl

See Also

dir listing
A drop-in replacement for glob that adds another type specifier, +hidden, to include hidden files in all results.
glob ?switches...? pattern ?pattern ...?

Supported switches are:

-directory directory
-path pathPrefix
-types typeList


official reference


glob lists all the directory entries whose names match a given pattern, optionally filtering them by type.

The following two cases are errors: glob results in error in two cases:

  • The result set is empty.
  • The requested listing can't be completed, e.g. when permissions are insufficient.

-nocomplain can be used to squelch the error in the first case, except that currently, there is a bug that causes glob to also squelch a failure to obtain the type of a file in order to limit the results to files of a certain type. ycl dir listing is similar to glob, but works around this issue.

glob should have been designed such that it returned the empty string when the result list would be empty, making -nocomplain unnecessary, but for the sake of backward-compatibility, in the current Tcl release glob still returns an error if the result list would be empty.

glob raises an exception; the -nocomplain option

If no files or directories were found, the command throws an error, unless the -nocomplain switch is given. This models the behavior of Unix's ls:

$ ls not_existing
ls: not_existing: No such file or directory
$ echo $?

PYK 2016-11-16: Except that it doesn't model the behaviour of ls in other cases, such as when it operates on an existing directory that has no contents.

Use -- to separate switches from arguments

Use -- to separate switches from arguments

contain arbitrary characters or might get a preceding dash through substitution.

The -types option

The -types option

glob -types hidden *
glob -types d *

There are cross-OS issues with this (in particular the handling of hidden files), see below.

To get a list of all contents of a directory that aren't themselves directories, including broken symbolic links (lsort -unique is used in case an item gets listed by both invocations of glob):

set itemlist [
    concat [
        glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -types hidden *] [
        glob -nocomplain -directory $dir *]]
#usually . and .. aren't desired
set onlyfiles [lmap item [lsort -unique $itemlist] {
    expr {![file isdirectory $item] && [file tail $item] ni {. ..}
        ? $item
        : [continue]

[name redacted]: I rewrote the script some. PL: I rewrote the script some. I left the subcondition [file tail $item] ni {. ..} in, even though . and .. are directories and thus get filtered out by ![file isdirectory $item] alone, i.e. this invocation ought to do:

expr {![file isdirectory $item] ? $item : [continue] }

PYK 2014-08-13: edited the example above to use [file tail $item] instead of $item, as the -directory option causes glob to return paths rather than simple file names.

The -directory and -path options

The -directory and -path options

(Note that these are mutually exclusive. Also note that -directory can be abbreviated to -dir.)

Let's say I want to find all files in a directory, then I use (ignoring hidden files for the moment)

glob -dir $dir *

Now, what I want all files in that directory whose names start with $nametail (where I have no idea what characters are in $nametail). I could try:

glob -dir $dir ${nametail}*

but that would fail (either with an error or not the expected result) if nametail contains characters like {}. Therefore I must use -path, like this:

glob -path $dir/$nametail *
# or even (see below)
glob -join -path $dir $nametail *

One thing to be aware of is that -dir {} is the same as -dir .. Hopefully this wart will be removed in the future.

The -join option

The -join option

When to use -join?

If I want to find all *.tcl files in any subdirectory of a known directory, I could try this:

glob -dir $dir */*.tcl

but that won't work on MacOS. So, use -join:

glob -join -dir $dir * *.tcl

Trailing /

Odds and ends

In a recent email thread on the Modules mailing list, a developer reported a

Trailing /

change he found when beginning to use Tcl 8.5:

$ tclsh8.4
% glob /home/
% glob /home
$ tclsh8.5
% glob /home/
% glob /home

Turns out that the modules package was dependent on having the path returned without the trailing /, and when 8.5 started returning some paths with the slash, certain behaviors changed.

From a purely technical point of view, the two forms of the name are considered equivalent by the operating systems with which I am familar (Ultrix, Solaris, etc.). I don't know if there are differences for variants or not.

[name redacted]: In Tcl 8.6, this seems to be changed again: no trailing slashes are PL: In Tcl 8.6, this seems to be changed again: no trailing slashes are

In any case, file normalize removes any trailing slashes present:

string equal [file nor [glob /Tcl/] [file nor [glob /Tcl]
# => (should be 1 on all versions)
string equal file nor /foo/ file nor /foo
# => 1

APN I don't see 8.6 having changed again. At least not on Windows. If the pattern include a trailing slash, the return values do too (for dirs). Otherwise they don't.

% glob /temp/fo*
C:/temp/foo C:/temp/foodir
% glob /temp/fo*/

glob does not sort

might have to use lsort on the file list (note the various settings of the lsort command: especially differences between -ascii and -dictionary sorting, the option to choose increasing or decreasing order, the option to ignore case difference, and the option to provide an adhoc comparison command):

set files [lsort [glob *]] ;# will probably suffice in most cases
set files [lsort -dictionary -decreasing -nocase [glob *]]

Negated patterns

Negated patterns

glob function allows me to do things like !(o*) or ab[!b-z] and I would like to be able to do similar things.

[name redacted]: This one is still open, though one might possibly glob two lists, one PL: This one is still open, though one might possibly glob two lists, one from the first. There may be issues with this that need to be investigated, though.

[name redacted]: The following command is intended to start a discussion, not to be PL: The following command is intended to start a discussion, not to be

# untested code
proc negatedGlob pattern {
    set allfiles [glob -nocomplain *]
    set matchedfiles [glob -nocomplain $pattern]
    ldiff $allfiles $matchedfiles

Use of braces

glob uses the brace ({}) characters as special notation, even though the Tcl parser ALSO uses these characters. The result is that one needs to learn, from the beginning, that one needs to quote these characters when using them in glob arguments. glob also uses the [ and ] characters and those need quoted as well.

Vince: fortunately with the use of '-dir' or '-path' flags to glob the need for quoting is pretty much gone in Tcl 8.3 or newer.

Recursive glob

 Recursive `glob`

Filename Encodings

sure what happens with links) and returns all non-directories in alphabetic order:

proc glob-r {{dir .}} {
    set res {}
    foreach i [lsort [glob -nocomplain -dir $dir *]] {
        if {[file type $i] eq {directory}} {
            eval lappend res [glob-r $i]
        } else {
            lappend res $i
    set res
} ;# RS

(Verified works with 8.6.) (PL: verified works with 8.6.) JH 2006-05-16: With this variant that allows for optional patterns of interest, like glob-r C:/Tcl *.gif *.ps:

proc glob-r {{dir .} args} {
    set res {}
    foreach i [lsort [glob -nocomplain -dir $dir *]] {
        if {[file isdirectory $i]} {
            eval [list lappend res] [eval [linsert $args 0 glob-r $i]]
        } else {
            if {[llength $args]} {
                foreach arg $args {
                    if {[string match $arg $i]} {
                        lappend res $i
            } else {
                lappend res $i
    return $res
} ;# JH

(Invocation without arguments verified works with 8.6.) (PL: invocation without arguments verified works with 8.6.) MG 2004-05-20: I couldn't get the above code to work, so wrote my own version of it. The only oddity about it is that paths (sometimes) start ././, rather than just ./ - I really don't know why. But using file exists on those files still works, so it doesn't really seem to matter. (It also uses info level 0 to find out its own name when it calls itself recursively. This is simply because I just found out how you do that :) Replacing [lindex [info level 0] 0] with globRec (or whatever you call the procedure) will speed it up a fair bit. Changed quickly to add -- into the glob calls, so $dir can't be mistaken as a switch, as suggested above. Takes an optional second argument to specify which types of file to glob, for by default all mentioned on the manpage apart from directories.

proc globRec {{dir .} {types {b c f l p s}}} {
    set files [glob -nocomplain -types $types -dir $dir -- *]
    foreach x [glob -nocomplain -types {d} -dir $dir -- *] {
        set files [
            concat $files [[lindex [info level 0] 0] [file join $dir $x]]]
    return [lsort $files]
} ;# globRec

(Invocation without arguments verified works with 8.6.) (PL: invocation without arguments verified works with 8.6.) TC 2004-11-23: I couldn't get either of the above functions to do what I wanted, which was to recursively list all directories and use a filespec. My Tcl hack (lightly tested on 8.3 and 8.5) of MG's code, which seems to do all his was intended to do also. Modified to also eliminate leading ./s. Modified to support filenames with spaces in them.

Note: you may need to replace file join $dir $x with simply $x. I had to.

proc globRec {{dir .} {filespec *} {types {b c f l p s}}} {
    set files [glob -nocomplain -types $types -dir $dir -- $filespec]
    foreach x [glob -nocomplain -types {d} -dir $dir -- *] {
        set files [concat $files [globRec [file join $dir $x] $filespec $types]]
    set filelist {}
    foreach x $files {
        while {[string range $x 0 1] eq {./}} {
            regsub ./ $x {} x
        lappend filelist $x
    return $filelist;
};# globRec

(Invocation without arguments verified works with 8.6.) (PL: invocation without arguments verified works with 8.6.)

jys: I wanted a recursive glob that would take the same options as glob, so I wrote this wrapper. I don't know if it works 100% with all options though, and it currently gets tripped up by glob spitting the dummy when it can't look inside a directory (generally 'cause of permissions).

proc rglob {args} {
    # This code requires -join and -nocomplain. We also remove the -types option, and then manually apply a filter at the end.
    set args [linsert $args 0 -nocomplain -join]
    if {[set types_index [lsearch -exact $args -types]] != -1} {
        set types [lindex $args [expr {$types_index+1}]]
        set args [lreplace $args $types_index [expr {$types_index+1}]]
    # Get inital matches.
    set matches [glob {*}$args]
    # Keep adding * wildcards to search through subdirectories until there are no more levels of directories to search.
    while {[llength [glob -types d {*}[lreplace $args end end *]]] > 0} {
        set args [linsert $args end-1 *]
        lappend matches {*}[glob {*}$args]
    # Filter matches with -types option.
    if {[info exists types]} {
        set matches [glob -nocomplain -types $types {*}$matches]}
    return $matches

(Hangs Tcl 8.6 (made no attempt to find cause of problem).) (PL: hangs Tcl 8.6 (made no attempt to find cause of problem).)


customized to quickly find the first instance of a file in a given path.

proc findfile { dir fname } {
    if {
        [llength [set x [glob -nocomplain -dir $dir $fname]]]
    } {
        return [lindex $x 0]
    } else {
        foreach i [glob -nocomplain -type d -dir $dir *] {
            if {
                $i != $dir &&
                [llength [set x [findfile $i $fname]]]
            } {
                return $x

(Verified works with 8.6.) (PL: verified works with 8.6.)


the full path name of all descendants. It embeds glob in a recursive call; a directory with no descendants is the base case.

proc listTree {rootdir_} {
# Precondition: rootdir_ is valid path 
    set currentnodes [glob -nocomplain -directory $rootdir_ -types d *]
    if {[llength $currentnodes] <= 0} {
    # Base case: the current dir is a leaf, write out the leaf 
        puts $rootdir_
    } else {
                # write out the current node 
        puts $rootdir_
                # Recurse over all dirs at this level
        foreach node $currentnodes {
            listTree $node

listTree [pwd]

(Verified works with 8.6 (and is surprisingly quick).) (PL: verified works with 8.6 (and is surprisingly quick).) (Original command author): That this isn't a Tcl built-in (or if it is, why is it is such a well-kept secret) strikes me as odd.

I remember reading something about a pre-defined limit on depth of recursion in Tcl, so this code is not guaranteed for arbitrarily deep file structures.




MSW: pathentry: Entry widget/binding set using glob to offer quick auto-completion of paths

The DKF star

The DKF star

proc * args {glob -nocomplain *[join $args {}]}

CMCc: Now try the same kind of composition and extension under /bin/sh :)

MJ: Shouldn't this be:

proc * args {glob -nocomplain *\{[join $args ,]\}}

Because DKF's version doesn't do what I expect it to do with multiple args (maybe my expectation is wrong)



in array unset gotcha , comp.lang.tcl, 2007-09-13: in array unset gotch , comp.lang.tcl, 2007-09-13:

set bar {x[y]}
set foo($bar) yes
array unset foo $bar
parray foo => foo(x[y]) still exists

What's the cure, Doctor? Unglob it!

proc unglob {x} {
    string map {* \\* ? \\? [ \\[ ] \\]} $x

Cross-OS issues

Hidden files

Even though the proper directory separator character on [Microsoft

Hidden files

Windows%|%Windows] is \, the standard directory separator in Tcl is '/', and all Tcl file manipulation commands, including exec, understand it.

On unix and OS X, glob -types hidden * returns all files beginning with a period (.), including . and ... On Windows and Classic Mac OS, this returns files that have their hidden attribute set (and (at least on Windows) does not list files with names beginning with a period, except if they have the hidden attribute set).

On Windows, glob * returns files beginning with ., while On *nix systems, it does not.

See the discussion of the -types option above for a cross-OS way to list all entries in a given directory.

The following attempt works on *nix, but can return duplicates on Windows:

lsort [glob -dir $dir {.*,*}]]

Windows drive globbing

Windows drive globbing

glob -dir c: *

will list contents of the current working directory on drive C:, not the contents of the root folder on that drive.

To get the latter, add trailing slash to the drive letter:

glob -dir c:/ *

The described behaviour is consistent with what is seen in cmd.exe command shell.

Thanks PT for explaining this issue.

Zipguy 2013-02-07 - Thanks kostix for pointing this out. I do use windows (and strongly love/hate it). I found this very interesting so I tried it. I was running a program called ML - Heavily Modified & Improved using tclkit-8.5.8.exe, in which mine was the current directory, so I opened a console window and typed in:

(mine) 3 % glob -dir d: *

and what I got was:

d:action-demo.tcl d:action.tcl d:awf.kit d:awfgreat.kit
d:bindb.bat d:bindb.kit d:bindb.tcl d:bindb.vfs d:bindcbk.tcl d:clipr.kit
d:clipr.vfs d:colorp.dat d:colorp.kit d:dler.kit d:dler.vfs d:eff-font.txt
d:efftcl.kit d:efftcl.vfs d:ezsdx.bat d:ezsdx.kit d:ezsdxc.dat d:ezsdxgreat.kit
d:ezsdxh.dat d:help.dat d:icons d:links.txt d:ml.bat d:ml.kit d:ml.txt
d:mlalpha.kit d:mlgreat.bat d:mlgreat.kit d:mlgreatold.kit
{$$$} d:output.html d:output.tcl d:output2.html d:panedwindow.tcl
d:progress.tcl d:progressbar.txt d:res.tcl d:sbf.tcl d:scrollb.tcl d:sdx.kit
d:sdx.vfs d:sdxnew.kit d:sdxold.kit d:t.kit d:t.tcl d:t.vfs d:tclkit-8.5.8.exe
d:tclkit-8.5.9.exe d:tgood.kit d:timeplay d:timeplay.tcl d:timeplay.tcll
d:Tk_coding_styles.txt d:widget d:wsf.kit d:wsf.vfs d:wsfold.kit d:wsfold.tcl
d:wsfold.vfs d:wsforig.tcl d:XSCLOCK.TCL d:yacm.ini d:yacm.kit d:yacm.txt
d:yacm2.kit d:yacmgood.kit d:yacmo.kit d:ypedit.tcl d:zipper.tcl

which did surprise me.

It did come back with all of these files (which was expected), which were on the proper drive, namely d:, in the proper directory, namely mine (or more precisely "D:\dl\dcl\mine\"), but, it did prefix all of them with the "d:" (which was unexpected). For example, "d:tclkit-8.5.9.exe" which is there and "{$$$}" which it did enclose in curly brackets, which I do understand (in case they have spaces or special characters in them).

Anyway, I decided to try a more complex version, which would list the directory above the current one (which is kind of dangerous if it doesn't exist, unknown) like this:

(mine) 5 % glob -dir d:../ *

and (lo and behold,) it did produce this:

d:../caps d:../desktop d:../ezsdx d:../ezsdx.kit d:../ezsdxc.dat d:../ezsdxgreat.kit 
d:../ezsdxh.dat d:../fd d:../freepdf d:../freepdflogoweeebxd.jpg d:../freewrap6.2 
d:../irfanview_screenshot_1.jpg d:../irfanview_screenshot_2.jpg d:../irfanview_step1.jpg 
d:../irfanview_step2.jpg d:../irfanview_step3.jpg d:../ 
d:../mine d:../ml d:../ml.kit d:../ml124d_procw_colors.jpg d:../ml124d_screen.jpg 
d:../ml124d_screen_rightclick_meni.jpg d:../ml124d_status_line.jpg d:../ml124d_toolbar.jpg 
d:../mlgreat.kit d:../mlgreatold.kit d:../sdx.kit d:../sdxe.dat d:../sdxnew.kit d:../sdxold.kit  
d:../setup-jasspame-20091011.exe d:../stock d:../t.kit d:../tclkit-8.5.8-win32-x86_64.exe 
d:../tclkit852.exe d:../tgood.kit d:../tgoodold.kit d:../viewIcons.kit

which did work but provided a prefix of "d:../" rather than the previous command which provided a prefix of "d:" which does make sense also.

(mine) 7 % glob -dir d:../../ *

and this

d:../../@tcl d:../../bas d:../../browser d:../../dcl d:../../dler
d:../../editor d:../../flv d:../../fonts d:../../games d:../../good
d:../../html d:../../img d:../../mid d:../../misc d:../../nc d:../../new
d:../../new2 d:../../new3 d:../../new4 d:../../new5 d:../../zip

But more importantly, should I write a proc to strip out the "d:"'s (or "d:../"'s) in front of them, or use a better undocumented glob option?

Yes, I did read (and re-read) all about glob for "ActiveState ActiveTcl" (which was produced in Feb 11, 2011) which may mean it has been documented in a later version.

MG Add the -tails option to glob.

Version issues

Stale links

(Also see "Trailing /" above.) RS:

Stale links

Stale links: glob in older (pre Tcl 8.4a4) versions of Tcl has a funny behavior (seen on Solaris 5.5.1) with symbolic links that don't point to an existing file:

% exec ln -s /does/not/exist stalelink
% glob stalelink
no files matched glob pattern "stalelink"
% glob stalelink*

If the pattern is not wildcarded, it tries to follow the link; otherwise it just returns the link's name itself. Hmm...

Tilde paths

Tilde paths

specially by glob'', but shouldn't that have been done to avoid a security problem with ~ expansion ? e.g:

foreach file [glob *] {
    file delete -force $file

where glob returns a file beginning with a ~ ?

Vince writes: for historical reasons the code above is considered wrong/buggy. You should write file delete -force ./$file. This is perhaps something that should be changed in the future, but it might well break some old code. There is even a bug report or patch somewhere on sf about this, I think (probably closed now).

MHo 2015-10-15: Oops, what's this:

% glob -path c:/winwdows/*.exe
alloc: invalid block: 10018A34: 24 e8

The Tclsh (8.6.4, ActiveState) terminates after this...

See Also

Directory recursion
glob forwards compatibility
how to to override the older [glob] command.
glob and VFS
issues with VFS