Arjen Markus (19 december 2011) I am fascinated by mathematics in general and geometry in particular. So, this weekend I extended my old mathematical notebook with the specific purpose of visualising classical geometrical constructions. For this I needed an extended version - which you will find below (some convenience procedures and a different user-interface).
The idea is to use the flexibility of the text widget to allow for an interactive display of the construction: via tags the example below highlights the steps in the construction of lines tangent to a circles. All in the classical tradition of the ancient Greek.
I use the tag mechanism of the canvas to delete those items I do not need anymore - right now: just used by the "Reset" button.
(Note: it is not perfect yet - opening a second file for instance does not refresh the text widget properly)
Here is a screenshot:
# Classical construction: # Tangent lines to a circle # <h1>Using compasses and straightedge</h1> <p> The classical tools for geometrical constructions, such as the hexagon or the bissectrix of an angle are the compasses and the straightedge. <p> Here we show how to use these tools to construct the lines through a given point that are tangent to a circle. The construction is shown in steps. (This illustrates that it is easy to make interactive displays). <p> First we draw the point P and the circle C (see the canvas on the right-hand side) <p> Then we take the following steps (press the Next button): <ul> <tag>step1 <li> Draw a line piece through the centre of the circle and the point. <tag>step2 <li> Construct the line through the middle of this line piece, perpendicular to that line. <tag>step3 <li> The midpoint is the centre of a circle through the centre of C and P. <tag>step4 <li> Finally the points where the two circles intersect are the points where the two tangents lines meet circle C. <tag>step5 <li> Draw the tangent lines. </ul> <tag>normal This way we have constructed the tangent lines. @init { proc resetTags {} { variable TXT variable fontNormal $TXT tag configure step1 -foreground lightgrey -font $fontNormal $TXT tag configure step2 -foreground lightgrey -font $fontNormal $TXT tag configure step3 -foreground lightgrey -font $fontNormal $TXT tag configure step4 -foreground lightgrey -font $fontNormal $TXT tag configure step5 -foreground lightgrey -font $fontNormal } resetTags proc showStep {step} { variable CNV variable xcentre variable ycentre variable radius variable xpoint variable ypoint variable xp ;# Midpoint between point P and centre of circle C variable yp variable radiusM ;# Radius of the circle through P and centre variable tangentPoints switch $step { "0" { $CNV delete steps } "1" { # # Step: line piece connecting point and centre # set id [polyline [list $xcentre $ycentre $xpoint $ypoint]] $CNV itemconfigure $id -tag steps } "2" { # # Midpoint of the line piece # set id1 [circle $xcentre $ycentre 1.5] set id2 [circle $xpoint $ypoint 1.5] $CNV itemconfigure $id1 -tag steps $CNV itemconfigure $id2 -tag steps # # Compute the two intersection points # and draw them, as well as the line piece between them # set points [circleIntersection [list $xcentre $ycentre 1.5] \ [list $xpoint $ypoint 1.5]] set id [polyline $points] $CNV itemconfigure $id -tag steps set xp [expr {([lindex $points 0] + [lindex $points 2]) / 2.0}] set yp [expr {([lindex $points 1] + [lindex $points 3]) / 2.0}] set id1 [point [lindex $points 0] [lindex $points 1] black] set id2 [point [lindex $points 2] [lindex $points 3] black] set id3 [point $xp $yp red] $CNV itemconfigure $id1 -tag steps $CNV itemconfigure $id2 -tag steps $CNV itemconfigure $id3 -tag steps } "3" { # # Step: circle through centre and point # set radiusM [expr {hypot($xcentre-$xp,$ycentre-$yp)}] set id [circle $xp $yp $radiusM red] $CNV itemconfigure $id -tag steps } "4" { # # Step: intersection points of the two circles # set tangentPoints [circleIntersection [list $xcentre $ycentre $radius] \ [list $xp $yp $radiusM]] set id1 [point [lindex $tangentPoints 0] [lindex $tangentPoints 1] green] set id2 [point [lindex $tangentPoints 2] [lindex $tangentPoints 3] green] $CNV itemconfigure $id1 -tag steps $CNV itemconfigure $id2 -tag steps } "5" { # # Step: draw the tangent lines # set id1 [infiniteLine [lindex $tangentPoints 0] [lindex $tangentPoints 1] $xpoint $ypoint green] set id2 [infiniteLine [lindex $tangentPoints 2] [lindex $tangentPoints 3] $xpoint $ypoint green] $CNV itemconfigure $id1 -tag steps -width 2 $CNV itemconfigure $id2 -tag steps -width 2 } } } } @canvasright 400 400 { variable state variable xcentre variable ycentre variable xpoint variable ypoint variable radius variable CNV set state 0 scale {-2.5 -2.0 1.5 2.0} set xcentre -1.0 set ycentre 0.0 set xpoint 0.7 set ypoint 0.6 set radius 0.8 set id [circle $xcentre $ycentre $radius black] ;# Circle C $CNV itemconfigure $id -width 2 point $xpoint $ypoint black ;# Point P set state 0 } @button Reset { resetTags $CNV delete steps set state 0 } @button Next { variable state resetTags incr state $TXT tag configure step$state -foreground black -font $fontBold showStep $state }
Here is a second example, as it presents an animated construction, you will have to run it yourself to see it.
# witch_agnesi.txt -- # Construct the curve known as the witch of Agnesi # <h1>Witch of Agnesi</h1> <p> With compasses and straightedge you can construct all manner of curves, though sometimes the process is more mechanical than mathematical. <p> Here is an example: the witch of Agnesi is constructed by drawing a line through a fixed point on a circle and using the intersection through that circle and a tangent line to define a new point. <p> The process is illustrated in the figure on the right. Press the "Go" button to see how it works. <p> The curve has the parametric form: <pre> x = 2 a cot t y = a (1-cos(2t)) </pre> where "a" is the radius of the circle (cf. @init { proc intersectionCircleLine {circle line} { foreach {xc yc radius} $circle {break} foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} $line {break} set dx [expr {$x2 - $x1}] set dy [expr {$y2 - $y1}] set length [expr {hypot($dx,$dy)}] set xn [expr {-$dy/$length}] set yn [expr {$dx/$length}] set mu [expr {($x1-$xc)*$xn + ($y1-$yc)*$yn}] set xmid [expr {$xc + $mu * $xn}] set ymid [expr {$yc + $mu * $yn}] set dist [expr {sqrt($radius**2 - ($xmid-$xc)**2 - ($ymid-$yc)**2)/$length}] set xi1 [expr {$xmid + $dx * $dist}] set yi1 [expr {$ymid + $dy * $dist}] set xi2 [expr {$xmid - $dx * $dist}] set yi2 [expr {$ymid - $dy * $dist}] return [list $xi1 $yi1 $xi2 $yi2] } proc drawWitch {x} { variable CNV variable coords $CNV delete line $CNV delete witch set line [list 0.0 -1.0 $x 1.0] set id1 [polyline $line black] set id2 [point $x 1.0 red] $CNV itemconfigure $id1 -tag line $CNV itemconfigure $id2 -tag line # # Determine the points of intersection and select the # right one - the one with y > -1.0 # set intersectionPoints [intersectionCircleLine {0.0 0.0 1.0} $line] foreach {xp yp} $intersectionPoints { if { $yp > -0.999 } { break } } # # Draw the auxiliary lines # set id1 [polyline [list $x 1.0 $x -1.0] red] set id2 [polyline [list $xp $yp $x $yp] red] set id3 [point $xp $yp red] set id4 [point $x $yp red] $CNV itemconfigure $id1 -tag line $CNV itemconfigure $id2 -tag line $CNV itemconfigure $id3 -tag line $CNV itemconfigure $id4 -tag line lappend coords $x $yp if { [llength $coords] > 2 } { set id [polyline $coords red] $CNV itemconfigure $id -tag witch } # # Note: the procedure is defined within the MathData namespace # if { $x < 4.0 } { after 100 [list ::MathData::drawWitch [expr {$x+0.1}]] } else { $CNV delete line $CNV itemconfigure $id -width 2 } } } @canvasright 400 400 { scale {-4.0 -4.0 4.0 4.0} infiniteLine -2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 black circle 0.0 0.0 1.0 black point 0.0 -1.0 black console show puts [intersectionCircleLine {0.0 0.0 1.0} {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0}] } @button Go { variable coords set coords {} drawWitch -4.0 }
# mathbook.tcl -- # Script to show notes on mathematical subjects # # TODO: # - Implement a number of useful drawing commands # - Implement a formula renderer (a basic one _is_ available) # - Implement more convenient bindings # - Describe the application # # Missing commands: # @refresh - define your own refresh method # @label - allow a label (useful for variable text) # @button - allow a pushbutton # package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk if { [tk windowingsystem] == "x11" } { . configure -background #dcdad5 option add *background #dcdad5 option add *foreground black option add *borderWidth 1 widgetDefault option add *activeBorderWidth 1 widgetDefault option add *selectBorderWidth 1 widgetDefault option add *font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-* option add *padX 2 option add *padY 4 option add *Listbox.background white option add *Listbox.selectBorderWidth 0 option add *Listbox.selectForeground white option add *Listbox.selectBackground #4a6984 option add *Entry.foreground black option add *Entry.background white option add *Entry.selectBorderWidth 0 option add *Entry.selectForeground white option add *Entry.selectBackground #4a6984 option add *Text.background white option add *Text.selectBorderWidth 0 option add *Text.selectForeground white option add *Text.selectBackground #4a6984 option add *Menu.activeBackground #4a6984 option add *Menu.activeForeground white option add *Menu.activeBorderWidth 0 option add *Menu.highlightThickness 0 option add *Menu.borderWidth 2 option add *MenuButton.activeBackground #4a6984 option add *MenuButton.activeForeground white option add *MenuButton.activeBorderWidth 0 option add *MenuButton.highlightThickness 0 option add *MenuButton.borderWidth 0 option add *highlightThickness 0 option add *troughColor #bdb6ad } # MathData -- # Namespace for the user-defined commands and data # namespace eval ::MathData:: { variable CNV "" variable TXT "" variable fontNormal "Courier 10" variable fontBold "Courier 10 bold" variable fontItalic "Courier 10 italic" } # scale -- # Set up the scaling for the given canvas # Arguments: # data List of data (x, y, x, y ...) # Result: # None # Side effects: # Scaling parameters set # Note: # TODO: Should make sure there is some scaling involved # if only using pixels # proc ::MathData::scale { data } { variable CNV variable SCALE set width [$CNV cget -width] set height [$CNV cget -height] set xmin 1.0e30 set xmax -1.0e30 set ymin 1.0e30 set ymax -1.0e30 foreach {x y} $data { if { $x < $xmin } { set xmin $x } if { $x > $xmax } { set xmax $x } if { $y < $ymin } { set ymin $y } if { $y > $ymax } { set ymax $y } } if { $xmin == $xmax } { set xmax [expr {$xmax+1.0}] } if { $ymin == $ymax } { set ymax [expr {$ymax+1.0}] } set SCALE(xscale) [expr {$width/double($xmax-$xmin)}] set SCALE(yscale) [expr {$height/double($ymax-$ymin)}] set SCALE(xmin) $xmin set SCALE(xmax) $xmax set SCALE(ymin) $ymin set SCALE(ymax) $ymax } # polyline -- # Draw a line consisting of multiple points # Arguments: # data List of data (x, y, x, y ...) # colour Colour to use (default: black) # Result: # Canvas ID of the polyline # Side effects: # Line drawn according to current scales # proc ::MathData::polyline { data {colour black} } { variable CNV variable SCALE set xscale $SCALE(xscale) set yscale $SCALE(yscale) set xmin $SCALE(xmin) set xmax $SCALE(xmax) set ymin $SCALE(ymin) set ymax $SCALE(ymax) set pixels {} foreach {x y} $data { set px [expr {$xscale*($x-$xmin)}] set py [expr {$yscale*($ymax-$y)}] lappend pixels $px $py } $CNV create line $pixels -fill $colour } # circle -- # Draw a circle with given centre and radius # Arguments: # xcentre X-coordinate of the centre # ycentre Y-coordinate of the centre # radius Radius of circle # colour Colour to use (default: black) # filled Filled or not (default: not) # Result: # Canvas ID of the circle # Side effects: # Line drawn according to current scales # proc ::MathData::circle { xcentre ycentre radius {colour black} {filled 0} } { variable CNV variable SCALE set xscale $SCALE(xscale) set yscale $SCALE(yscale) set xmin $SCALE(xmin) set xmax $SCALE(xmax) set ymin $SCALE(ymin) set ymax $SCALE(ymax) set pixels {} foreach {x y} [list [expr {$xcentre-$radius}] [expr {$ycentre-$radius}] \ [expr {$xcentre+$radius}] [expr {$ycentre+$radius}] ] { set px [expr {$xscale*($x-$xmin)}] set py [expr {$yscale*($ymax-$y)}] lappend pixels $px $py } $CNV create oval $pixels -fill [expr {$filled? $colour : {}}] -outline $colour } # point -- # Draw a point with given coordinates # Arguments: # xpoint X-coordinate # ypoint Y-coordinate # colour Colour to use (default: black) # Result: # Canvas ID of the point # Side effects: # Line drawn according to current scales # proc ::MathData::point { xpoint ypoint {colour black} } { variable CNV variable SCALE set xscale $SCALE(xscale) set yscale $SCALE(yscale) set xmin $SCALE(xmin) set xmax $SCALE(xmax) set ymin $SCALE(ymin) set ymax $SCALE(ymax) set pixels {} set px [expr {$xscale*($xpoint-$xmin)}] set py [expr {$yscale*($ymax-$ypoint)}] lappend pixels [expr {$px-1}] [expr {$py-1}] [expr {$px+1}] [expr {$py+1}] $CNV create rectangle $pixels -fill $colour -outline $colour } # text -- # Draw a text string at a given position # Arguments: # x X coordinate # y Y coordinate # string String to show # Result: # Canvas ID of the text object # Side effects: # String drawn # proc ::MathData::text { x y string } { variable CNV variable SCALE set xscale $SCALE(xscale) set yscale $SCALE(yscale) set xmin $SCALE(xmin) set xmax $SCALE(xmax) set ymin $SCALE(ymin) set ymax $SCALE(ymax) set px [expr {$xscale*($x-$xmin)}] set py [expr {$yscale*($ymax-$y)}] $CNV create text $px $py -text $string -anchor nw } # axes -- # Draw two lines representing the axes # Arguments: # None # Result: # None # Side effects: # Two lines drawn (no labels yet) # proc ::MathData::axes { } { variable CNV variable SCALE set width [$CNV cget -width] set height [$CNV cget -height] set xscale $SCALE(xscale) set yscale $SCALE(yscale) set xmin $SCALE(xmin) set xmax $SCALE(xmax) set ymin $SCALE(ymin) set ymax $SCALE(ymax) set px0 [expr {$xscale*(0.0-$xmin)}] set py0 [expr {$yscale*($ymax-0.0)}] $CNV create line $px0 0 $px0 $height -fill black $CNV create line 0 $py0 $width $py0 -fill black } # func -- # Repeatedly run a function and return xy-pairs # Arguments: # funcname Name of the function (procedure) # xmin Minimum x-value # xmax Maximum x-value # nosteps Number of steps (inbetween; default: 50) # Result: # List of x, y values # proc ::MathData::func { funcname xmin xmax { nosteps 50 } } { set coords {} set xstep [expr {($xmax-$xmin)/$nosteps}] for { set i 0 } { $i <= $nosteps } { incr i } { set x [expr {$xmin+$i*$xstep}] set y [$funcname $x] lappend coords $x $y } return $coords } # circleIntersection -- # Determine the points where two circles intersect # Arguments: # circle1 X-, Y-coordinate and radius of first circle # circle2 X-, Y-coordinate and radius of second circle # Result: # List of x/y coordinates or empty # proc ::MathData::circleIntersection { circle1 circle2 } { set coords {} foreach {x1 y1 r1} $circle1 {break} foreach {x2 y2 r2} $circle2 {break} # # Do we have an intersection? # set distc [expr {sqrt(($x1-$x2)**2 + ($y1-$y2)**2)}] if { $distc**2 <= $r1**2+$r2**2 } { set a [expr {0.5 * ($distc + ($r1**2-$r2**2)/$distc)}] set dist [expr {sqrt($r1**2 - $a**2)}] set dx [expr {$x2-$x1}] set dy [expr {$y2-$y1}] set dd [expr {hypot($dx,$dy)}] set xc [expr {$x1 + $a * $dx/$dd}] set yc [expr {$y1 + $a * $dy/$dd}] set xn [expr {$dist * $dy/$dd}] set yn [expr {-$dist * $dx/$dd}] set xp1 [expr {$xc + $xn}] set xp2 [expr {$xc - $xn}] set yp1 [expr {$yc + $yn}] set yp2 [expr {$yc - $yn}] set coords [list $xp1 $yp1 $xp2 $yp2] } return $coords } # infiniteLine -- # Draw a line through two points that extends indefinitely # Arguments: # xp1 X-coordinate first point # yp1 Y-coordinate first point # xp2 X-coordinate second point # yp2 Y-coordinate second point # colour Colour of the line (default: black) # Result: # Canvas ID of the line # proc ::MathData::infiniteLine { xp1 yp1 xp2 yp2 {colour black} } { variable CNV variable SCALE set dx [expr {$xp2-$xp1}] set dy [expr {$yp2-$yp1}] if { abs($dx) > abs($dy) } { set xn1 $SCALE(xmin) set lambda [expr {($xn1 - $xp1) / $dx}] set yn1 [expr {$yp1 + $dy * $lambda}] set xn2 $SCALE(xmax) set lambda [expr {($xn2 - $xp1) / $dx}] set yn2 [expr {$yp1 + $dy * $lambda}] } else { set yn1 $SCALE(ymin) set lambda [expr {($yn1 - $yp1) / $dy}] set xn1 [expr {$xp1 + $dx * $lambda}] set yn2 $SCALE(ymax) set lambda [expr {($yn2 - $yp1) / $dy}] set xn2 [expr {$xp1 + $dx * $lambda}] } polyline [list $xn1 $yn1 $xn2 $yn2] $colour } # MathBook -- # Namespace for the mathbook commands and data # namespace eval ::MathBook:: { variable count 0 variable CNV variable CNVRIGHT "" variable CNVCODE variable TXT variable REFRESH } # @init -- # Execute code once (when reading the notebook file) # Arguments: # code Code to run # Result: # Nothing # proc ::MathBook::@init { code } { namespace eval ::MathData $code } # @canvas -- # Create a canvas of given size # Arguments: # width Width in pixels # height Height in pixels # code Code to execute # Result: # Nothing # Side effect: # Canvas created # proc ::MathBook::@canvas { width height code } { variable CNV variable CNVCODE variable TXT variable count incr count set CNV $TXT.cnv$count set ::MathData::CNV $CNV set CNVCODE($CNV) $code canvas $CNV -width $width -height $height -bg white $TXT insert end "\n" $TXT window create end -window $CNV $TXT insert end "\n" namespace eval ::MathData $code } # @canvasright -- # Create a canvas of given size on the right of the text # Arguments: # width Width in pixels # height Height in pixels # code Code to execute # Result: # Nothing # Side effect: # Canvas created # proc ::MathBook::@canvasright { width height code } { variable CNV variable CNVCODE variable CNVRIGHT if { $CNVRIGHT eq "" } { set CNVRIGHT [canvas .cnv -width $width -height $height -bg white] grid configure $CNVRIGHT -row 0 -column 2 } else { $CNVRIGHT configure -width $width -height $height } set CNV $CNVRIGHT set ::MathData::CNV $CNV namespace eval ::MathData $code } # @entry -- # Create an entry widget of given width # Arguments: # name Name of the associated variable # width Width of the widget (in characters) # Result: # Nothing # Side effect: # Entry created # proc ::MathBook::@entry { name width } { variable TXT variable count incr count set entry $TXT.entry$count entry $entry -textvariable ::MathData::$name -width $width $TXT window create end -window $entry bind $entry <Return> ::MathBook::Refresh } # @label -- # Create a label widget of given width # Arguments: # name Name of the associated variable # width Width of the widget (in characters) # Result: # Nothing # Side effect: # Label created # proc ::MathBook::@label { name width } { variable TXT variable count incr count set label $TXT.label$count label $label -textvariable ::MathData::$name -width $width \ -background white -anchor nw -font $::MathData::fontNormal $TXT window create end -window $label } # @button -- # Create a pushbutton # Arguments: # label Label for the pushbutton # code Code to apply # Result: # Nothing # Side effect: # Button created # proc ::MathBook::@button { label code } { variable TXT variable count variable buttoncount incr buttoncount set button .buttons.button$buttoncount button $button -text $label -command "namespace eval ::MathData [list $code]" -width 10 grid configure $button -column $buttoncount -row 0 } # @refresh -- # Define a refresh method - called before the canvas methods # Arguments: # code Code to be run on refresh # Result: # None # Side effect: # Defines the REFRESH variable # proc ::MathBook::@refresh { code } { variable REFRESH set REFRESH $code } # Refresh -- # Refresh the canvases and labels etc. # Arguments: # None # Result: # None # Side effect: # Canvases refreshed and whatever occurs in the @refresh method # proc ::MathBook::Refresh { } { variable CNV variable CNVCODE variable REFRESH variable TXT variable count if { [info exists REFRESH] } { namespace eval ::MathData $REFRESH } foreach {name code} [array get CNVCODE] { set ::MathData::CNV $name $name delete all namespace eval ::MathData $code } } # initMainWindow -- # Create the main window # Arguments: # None # Result: # None # Side effect: # Main window created # proc ::MathBook::initMainWindow { } { variable TXT variable count set count 0 set buttoncount -1 set menu [menu .mb -type menubar] . configure -menu .mb .mb add cascade -label File -underline 0 -menu .mb.file menu .mb.file -tearoff 0 .mb.file add command -label Open -command ::MathBook::OpenTextFile .mb.file add command -label Exit -command exit set tf .textframe set tw $tf.text set buttons .buttons set TXT $tw set ::MathData::TXT $tw frame $tf scrollbar $tf.scrollx -orient horiz -command "$tw xview" scrollbar $tf.scrolly -command "$tw yview" text $tw -yscrollcommand "$tf.scrolly set" \ -xscrollcommand "$tf.scrollx set" \ -fg black -bg white -font "courier 10" \ -wrap word grid $tw $tf.scrolly grid $tf.scrollx x grid $tw -sticky news grid $tf.scrolly -sticky ns grid $tf.scrollx -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $tf 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $tf 0 -weight 1 frame $buttons button $buttons.refresh -text Refresh -command ::MathBook::Refresh -width 10 grid $tf - -sticky news grid $buttons.refresh -sticky news grid $buttons -sticky news grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 $tw tag configure bigbold -font "helvetica 12 bold" $tw tag configure normal -font "courier 10" $tw tag configure preform -font "courier 10" -background "lightgrey" $tw tag configure indent -lmargin2 16 } # fillTextWindow -- # Fill the text window # Arguments: # filename Name of the notebook file to use # Result: # None # Side effect: # Text window filled # proc ::MathBook::fillTextWindow { filename } { variable TXT set infile [open $filename "r"] set just "" set indent "" set tag normal while { [gets $infile line] >= 0 } { set trimmed [string trim $line] # # Analyse the contents ... # if { [string first "#" $trimmed] == 0 } { continue } # Ignore empty lines, unless in preformatted text if { $trimmed == "" } { if { $just != "" } { $TXT insert end "\n" $tag } continue } if { [string first "@" $trimmed] == 0 } { RunWholeCommand $infile $line continue } if { [string first "<h1>" $trimmed] == 0 } { set tag bigbold set trimmed [string map {<h1> "" </h1> ""} $trimmed] } if { [string first "<b>" $trimmed] == 0 } { set tag [list bold $indent] set trimmed [string map {<b> "" </b> ""} $trimmed] } if { [string first "<i>" $trimmed] == 0 } { set tag [list italic $indent] set trimmed [string map {<i> "" </i> ""} $trimmed] } if { [string first "<pre>" $trimmed] == 0 } { $TXT insert end "\n" set tag "preform" set just "\n" continue } if { [string first "</pre>" $trimmed] == 0 } { $TXT insert end "\n" set tag [list normal $indent] set just "" continue } if { [string first "<p>" $trimmed] == 0 } { $TXT insert end "\n\n" continue } if { [string first "<br>" $trimmed] == 0 } { $TXT insert end "\n" continue } if { [string first "<ul>" $trimmed] == 0 } { set indent "indent" continue } if { [string first "</ul>" $trimmed] == 0 } { $TXT insert end "\n\n" set indent "" continue } if { [string first "<li>" $trimmed] == 0 } { $TXT insert end "\n* " indent continue } if { [string first "<tag>" $trimmed] == 0 } { set tag [list [lindex $tag 0] $indent [string trim [string range $trimmed 5 end]]] continue } if { $just == "" } { $TXT insert end "$trimmed " $tag } else { $TXT insert end "$line\n" $tag } if { $tag == "bigbold" || $tag == "italic" || $tag == "bold" } { set tag "normal" } } close $infile $TXT configure -state disabled wm title . "$filename - MathBook" } # OpenTextFile -- # Select a text file and display the contents # Arguments: # None # Result: # None # Side effect: # The contents is shown # proc ::MathBook::OpenTextFile {} { variable TXT variable CNVRIGHT set types { {{Text Files} {*.txt}} {{All Files} *} } set filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -parent . -title "Select mathbook file"] if { $filename != "" } { $TXT delete 1.0 end if { $CNVRIGHT != "" } { destroy $CNVRIGHT } fillTextWindow $filename } } # RunWholeCommand -- # Run an embedded command # Arguments: # infile Handle to the file # line First line of the command # Result: # None # Side effect: # Whatever the command does # proc ::MathBook::RunWholeCommand { infile line } { variable TXT while { ! [info complete $line] } { if { [gets $infile nextline] >= 0 } { append line "\n$nextline" } else { break } } eval $line } # main -- # Get the whole thing going # ::MathBook::initMainWindow if { [llength $argv] > 0 } { ::MathBook::fillTextWindow [lindex $argv 0] } else { $::MathBook::TXT insert end "-- please open a mathbook file --" wm title . "MathBook" }
JM I may have done something wrong, but I am getting this error when opening the sample file...
wrong # args: should be "linsert list index element ?element ...?" wrong # args: should be "linsert list index element ?element ...?" while executing "linsert $tag 0" (procedure "fillTextWindow" line 81) invoked from within "fillTextWindow $filename" (procedure "::MathBook::OpenTextFile" line 13) invoked from within "::MathBook::OpenTextFile"
arjen - 2011-12-20 03:11:03
The linsert should be an lindex and the given example does not load properly (i.e. no canvas on the right) so that is something I have to look into. Try:
wish mathbook.tcl tangentcircle.txt
instead. I have _not_ seen the error message you report though. Are you using Tcl/Tk 8.4 or 8.5/8.6?
arjen - 2011-12-20 03:13:53
Just answered my own question: you get this error with Tcl/Tk 8.4. I will have corrected this. I will look at the other problem later.
-- Deletion should be done in the right order - that was the mistake. Corrected.
Jorge - 2011-12-20 22:28:13
correct, I just change to 8.6 and works fine (it still throws error messages with 8.4, ** vs pow for example). Thanks, nice job.
arjen - 2011-12-21 02:58:12
Thanks for the compliment. As for ** versus pow(), I have to add a package require Tcl 8.5 in there.