wubwikit bundles together Wub and wikit
After google announced it would shutdown google code, the repositories were moved to:
Code was hosted on google code:
RZ: To build a standalone wubwikit using kbs get kbs.tcl and run:
./kbs.tcl -r install wubwikit
[Fill in details about WubWikit, in particular, where to get the application, the differences between wubwikit and the traditional wikit, etc.]
MHo 2014-06-12, another try:
D:\home\Hoffmann\Downloads>tclsh kbs.tcl -r install wubwikit === Package eval: wubwikit === Require wubwikit === Require kbskit8.6 wub wikitcl tdbc tcllib1.15 sqlite3.7.15.1 === Require eval: kbskit8.6 === Require kbskit8.6 === Require kbskit0.4 sdx.kit === Require eval: kbskit0.4 === Source Cvs kbskit0.4 === Require error: kbskit0.4 missing sources of package 'kbskit0.4' === Require error: kbskit0.4 Require failed for: kbskit0.4 Error in execution of 'install wubwikit': === Package failed for: kbskit0.4 Require failed for: kbskit0.4
Can someone be so kind to explain the process a little further, or point to an existing wubwikit.kit (Startkit) or wubwikit.exe (Starpack)?
Within WubWikit? It's not really designed for that ... no way to specify a place to get the stuff to substitute into a wikit page. Wub has Mason domains which function like tclhttpd templates.
Configuration file, under Wub section, docroot element.
This is a problem that needs to be reported under http://code.google.com/p/wub/issues/list with a more precise problem description.
Wikit should (may) still run under Apache. WubWikit won't. Don't know any more.
Some room for improvement:
The possibility to upload images to the database is really handy and works quite well. It eliminates the need to specify a full qualified url and thus makes it really easy, to "carry around" wikiwub locally on different computers (running on different OSs).
There's just one more thing:
MHo: Will there be binaries available sometimes in the future?
LV: Anyone have a recipe for bringing up and running this latest generation of the wikit? Anyone created a starkit with the necessary code in it?
LV: If you mean a downloadable copy of the wiki pages, I don't think this is available yet. If you mean a downloadable copy of the executing code, see CMcC's comments. [This comment is obsolete now - a compressed copy of the page file is now available - wiki database for offline use ] MHo Yes I mean a copy of the database with the wiki-pages, e.g. to make it offline available or to keep a backup for restauration in case of vandalism...
CMcC: there's an interesting problem here: the wiki db is currently 95Mb, and clearly it would be a bad thing to allow too-frequent downloads (that's part of what brought the old wiki down - some clown doing multiple uncontrolled downloads - denial of service.) I'm trying to work out what a good policy might be to balance the utility of providing the download while bounding the cost.
Here are some policy questions to which I have no good answers:
LV: The primary issue here is a limited resource - your bandwidth. So why not upload the data, compressed, to google, and let people download it from there. That way, the bandwidth issue is no longer yours - you upload to google once every N period (whatever you can afford) and let people get it from google. As for what the db delta - I don't have a need for that, a simple compressed .tkd file is all I need.
jcw 2007-06-30: The quick solution is to simply delegate: get one or more mirrors in place with a reasonably recent copy (I'd vote for daily). Then you don't have to deal with it. As for delta's: rsync is very effective for this type of data (either via ssh or as rsync server). If you want to go fancier, check out wikit's "-update" command (written before the history got added to the db, btw).
KJN 2007-11-23: I would occasionally download a copy of the database if I was going somewhere without fast internet access - it was very useful to have this facility. A daily, or even weekly, database dump to Google would be much appreciated. Page histories could be omitted. BitTorrent would also be a good solution.
jdc 7-dec-2007: I created a SourceForge project to download the wiki db: wiki database for offline use
RZ 11-dec-2008: Great work so far. But when I try to use wubwikit with my own *.tkd files I have on the left side the wikit categories. Is there a way to use my own ones? Is it OK to use the commandline argument "cmdport -1" to supress starting of the maintenance socket? This is needed to run more then one instance of the program.
jdc 11-dec-2008: You can edit the TOC file in directory docroot.
RZ Yes I can. ut then I end with a separate wubwikit.kit for each use case :( May be we can use some special pages. I remember from the old wikit the reserved first nine pages.
jdc 12-dec-2008: Can you try to use argument toc file:your_toc_file .
RZ 18-dec-2008: Sorry for the delay. I tried it with your suggestion. So far it works in the Tk mode (standalone). In the web server mode it is not working so far. If I find some time I will investigate further:) But thanks for your effort.
LV: Over on comp.lang.tcl, some details about this version of the wiki are being discussed. In particularly, there are particular URLs which cause specialty functionality to occur.
https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/_/diff?N=18028&V=58&D=57 https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/_/diff?N=18028.txt&V=58&D=57 https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/_/diff?N=18028.str&V=58&D=57
https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/_/diff?N=18028&V=58&D=57&W=1 https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/_/diff?N=18028.txt&V=58&D=57&W=1 https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/_/diff?N=18028.str&V=58&D=57&W=1
gobvip 2010-07-19 How to open debug message in wubwikit?
Debug.wikit {"debug message"} ;# I want this command print something. How it works?
JOB 2011-03-30: Script to start wubwikit.
Note: We now do have a "config" command line option.
Here is the start script:
#!/usr/bin/ksh # Script to start wubwikit... # Purpose: # In the hope, to bring some light in the mystery of wub-configuration. # March, 2011, Johann Oberdorfer # -- enjoy! -- # Wub's info page: https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/20412 # requirements: # - minimum tcl version is 8.6 # - a platform dependent kit version including sqlite3 and tdbc packages # - source *.vfs tree (CVS checkout or similar) + binary including sqlite3 and tbc # for windows ActiveTcl offers a convinient way (installer) # wikiwub configuration: # - PREFIX=`dirname \$0` THIS_PLATFORM=`uname` case ${THIS_PLATFORM} in "Linux") TCLKIT_EXE=./Linux64_kbsvq8.6-gui ;; "Darwin") # ActiveTcl installation: TCLKIT_EXE=/usr/local/bin/wish8.6 ;; *) TCLKIT_EXE=/usr/local/bin/wish8.6 ;; esac WUB_WIKIT=${PREFIX}/wubwikit20110317/main.tcl WIKIT_DB=${PREFIX}/db/my_wiki.tkd # WIKIT_DB=${PREFIX}/db/wikit-20110307.tkd # create a new database / local / configuration file: # ${TCLKIT_EXE} ${WUB_WIKIT} mkdb ${WIKIT_DB} title "My WikiWub" # ${TCLKIT_EXE} ${WUB_WIKIT} mklocal ${PREFIX}/wub_local.tcl # ${TCLKIT_EXE} ${WUB_WIKIT} mkconfig ${PREFIX}/wub_config.tcl # Start the http server... # ------------------------ # see main.tcl for additional configuration... # set TMP=.\tmp echo "------------------------------------" echo "Open URL: httpd://localhost:8090 ..." echo "------------------------------------" # Note: # when specifying a port as argument, # make shure, the Listener section in the wub_config.tcl file # is configured with the the same value - some kind of missbehavior in the current version ?! ${TCLKIT_EXE} ${WUB_WIKIT} \ local ${PREFIX}/wub_local.tcl \ config ${PREFIX}/wub_config.tcl \ wikidb ${WIKIT_DB} \ port 8090 #?????? docroot ${PREFIX}/my_docroot
JOB 2013-10-24:
The question now is: how do I migrate the database(-file) ?
MHo 2014-06-12: Just grabbed the latest available wubwikit.kit and started it just specifying wikidb xyz. The following errors appear on the html page:
Server Error: no such table: pages_content no such table: pages_content Error Code 'NONE' no such table: pages_content while executing "::oo::Obj73::db eval {SELECT * FROM pages_content WHERE id = :pid} ::oo::Obj102::-resultArray {::namespace inscope ::oo::Obj102 {my RecordResult}}" ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within ...
xyz was a newly created db. Is there something to be done to fill in the initial pages etc.?
MHo 2014-06-13: Sorry, I overlooked mkdb, mklocal, mkconfig and the like. Now I fight against
The Wiki is currently in Maintenance Mode No new edits can be accepted at the moment. Reason: no such table: pages_content_fts
By looking at the sourcecode or showing help I found that I need to call wikidb xyz mkfts 1 in addition. ok.
JOB 2014-11-15:
mkfts command executes the following statements on the database:
DROP TABLE pages_content_fts; CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pages_content_fts USING fts4(id,name,content); INSERT INTO pages_content_fts SELECT a.id, a.name, b.content FROM pages a, pages_content b WHERE a.id = b.id;
JOB - 2014-11-18
Running ActiveTcl on Mac OSX 10.9.5 with the following versions installed:
Using teacup to install dependencies such as:
sudo teacup install sqlite3
sudo teacup install tdbc
sudo teacup install tdbc::sqlite3
is not sufficient, as it installs the default sqlite3 library without FTS support!
So, Sqlite3 needs to be compiled to have FTS support enabled. Downloading the source and re-compilation is required:
Now, we can execute wish to launch wubwikit with an already existing database file.
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create db $dbfnm -readonly 0
#! /bin/sh TCLKIT_EXE=wish8.6 WUB_WIKIT=./wubwikit20120502/main.tcl WIKIT_DB=./db/my_wikit.tkd # create missing tables for sqlite FTS search ability: # $TCLKIT_EXE $WUB_WIKIT wikidb $WIKIT_DB mkfts 1 $TCLKIT_EXE $WUB_WIKIT local ./wub_local.tcl config ./wub_config.tcl wikidb $WIKIT_DB
That's all for the moment.