References to, includes from, and redirects to Category Word and Text Processing

Date Name Who What
2020-11-14 21:28:37 A little logic notation editor gold reference
2014-09-06 20:44:42 A little Unicode editor HJG reference
2017-07-11 04:36:37 A small editor in 8.5.0 AMG reference
2010-10-15 20:29:06 ampersand magic MG reference
2014-04-08 20:01:09 AutoCorrect AMG reference
2017-01-09 20:15:51 BibTeX SEH reference
2014-02-06 20:03:52 BibTeX parser dkf reference
2015-03-11 04:04:44 BrowseX pooryorick reference
2015-05-02 08:13:00 Canvas microjustification greg reference
2014-03-13 00:58:59 Category Development RLE reference
2014-03-14 23:48:03 Category File RLE reference
2014-03-17 22:29:16 Category Parsing RLE reference
2015-05-02 15:48:46 Category String Processing LAM reference
2024-08-30 07:15:49 character pooryorick reference
2011-09-19 03:50:04 Cicero escargo reference
2010-03-24 11:37:11 CombinationCapitalization arjen reference
2017-11-30 15:44:50 CommonMark dbohdan reference
2006-05-02 10:18:51 dinbrief reference
2012-09-21 01:26:50 docextract RLE reference
2019-04-16 16:58:48 doctools AMG reference
2009-10-05 04:47:31 Editing with different fonts SEH reference
2011-08-30 10:15:42 EditPlus RLE reference
2011-12-29 13:49:13 eZdit dai reference
2011-07-03 16:49:38 Generating PDF on Windows dkf reference
2014-11-07 05:37:44 Hoedown APN reference
2021-01-01 14:45:57 How do Wiki Categories work KJN reference
2014-04-09 07:26:37 incrfilter pooryorick reference
2022-01-17 09:32:41 Longest common substring pooryorick reference
2024-05-09 15:40:33 Longest common word prefix dbohdan reference
2022-03-12 07:26:23 Markdown DDG reference
2024-04-04 13:28:35 Markdown2Go Jorge reference
2011-07-01 03:29:47 MetPad RLE reference
2014-04-08 20:19:03 Microsoft Word pooryorick reference
2016-09-26 11:53:07 ML - Heavily Modified & Improved pooryorick reference
2015-03-06 03:19:57 ML tk Text Editor aspect reference
2014-09-29 18:38:32 MultiMarkdown Jorge reference
2020-01-17 14:51:18 OCR APE reference
2022-02-14 06:56:53 PDF NR reference
2015-04-17 01:22:31 Simple Markup RLE reference
2012-06-24 04:08:53 Simple text editor RLE reference
2014-04-11 00:08:15 Stephen Uhler's HTML parser in 10 lines RLE reference
2015-04-16 19:52:41 Structured TeXt EMJ reference
2022-12-16 06:19:42 Tcl Editors aplsimple reference
2020-09-20 17:47:59 tedit dbohdan reference
2019-10-14 20:45:02 Template and Macro processing pooryorick reference
2023-12-02 20:02:53 Templates and subst oehhar reference
2024-01-30 14:36:41 text encoding detect MiR reference
2012-09-07 09:40:53 Textpad RLE reference
2019-07-08 23:17:53 textutil chrstphrchvz reference
2013-12-12 03:05:41 texutil AMG reference
2010-07-25 15:22:42 The Backspace problem dkf reference
2012-10-01 01:28:29 tic-tac-toe RLE reference
2016-07-30 14:46:56 troff dkf reference
2012-10-02 23:18:19 unsort AMG reference
2014-01-25 01:30:35 weeEdit RLE reference
2013-12-29 19:50:45 Wordselect -Modifying the Text Widget Binding to Select Words Without any Surrounding Punctuation. RLE reference
2009-03-13 02:07:00 WYSIWYG SEH reference