Version 263 of Tcl/Tk 8.6 Roadmap

Updated 2010-05-03 12:08:02 by dkf


  • 31 March 2008, Don Porter on tcl-core: The HEAD branch is now aimed for development of 8.6a*.
  • 12 December 2008, Feature set plan finished — to implement the ones listed below ASAP (excluding new features required to fix important bugs or issues that are related to poor implementation; note that NRE-enabling commands is not a TIPped feature)
  • 23 December 2008, Release of 8.6b1
  • Spring 2010?, Release of 8.6b2
  • after 8.6b2, Release of 8.6.0
    • Main issues are how to stop people from checking in things that aren't on the critical path to the release (and how to free up effort to make things happen at all).

Also see (which needs to be updated to reflect the current dates, at the very least).

Implementation Work Roster



  • #162 — This TIP adds support for TCP/IPv6.
    • Important because the world is genuinely running close to running out of IP addresses (especially in Asia-Pacific, though North America isn't all that far behind) and it is not a good idea to leave this sort of change too close to the line. Proposed patch is being tested in the rmax-ipv6-branch CVS branch. May need to update TIP prior to vote to allow for forcing the address family.


Who Links What Notes
pt TIP #359 Extended Window Manager Hint Support Done for 8.6, backport to 8.5 and 8.4 remaining
dkf TIP #364 Threading Support: Configuration and Package Defaults changed, waiting suitable version of Thread package

Non-TIP Big Items

  • Improve the Unix version of tk_getOpenFile
    • Important because the old version is looking rather clunky now. (Difficult because it's a lot of work...) Related to TIP #271 but of smaller scope due to desire to keep official script API the same on all platforms. Acting as a testbed for megawidget development in Tk (work planned to be exposed publicly in future releases).

Blocking Bugs/Issues

These are all the current “Priority 9” bugs in the Tcl and Tk trackers, and all should be either fixed or reduced in priority (i.e., marked as not being really blockers) before 8.6.0 is released. Note that just because a bug is assigned to someone doesn't mean that they have to be the person to fix it. It's just formally their responsibility; they can also badger someone else into actually doing it…


Module Artifact Type Count
Tcl Bug 6
Tcl Patch 1
Tcl FRQ 3
Tk Bug 4
Tk Patch 3
Tk FRQ 0


Link Module Bug Title Who Categorization
[L1 ] Tcl async.test segfault ak test crash
[L2 ] Tcl fcopy swamp (bytes vs chars), and http package ak semantics
[L3 ] Tcl Problem with reconfiguring bundled packages dgp build
[L4 ] Tcl Tcl_StatBuf definition problem with VS2005 and Win XP x64 pt portability
[L5 ] Tcl socket: failed write prevents read dgp semantics
[L6 ] Tcl Trouble escape encod. as system encod. jh i18n
[L7 ] Tk Change to grab on windows breaks application behaviour pt semantics
[L8 ] Tk wish8.5 hangs up in tkcvs and nVidia driver. wish8.4 working jh portability
[L9 ] Tk Win32 menu keyboard traversal broken tmh portability
[L10 ] Tk tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir internationalization problem pt i18n
Link Module Patch Title Who Categorization
[L11 ] Tcl Report inner contexts in info errorstack dgp debugging
[L12 ] Tk Patch for bug #2896501 (Filenames limit with tk_getFileName) pt usability
[L13 ] Tk Windows-style Open and Save file dialog on Unix dkf usability/GOOBE
[L14 ] Tk TIP 145: Font handling enhancements pt TIP impl.
Link Module Feature Request Title Who Categorization
[L15 ] Tcl override-able CFLAGS? dgp build
[L16 ] Tcl tag thread tree zv thread as contrib
[L17 ] Tcl Wanted: IPv6 ak networking upgrade

Off the Slate

Sometimes, things don't make the cut because they're over-ambitious w.r.t. the effort available/needed to achieve them by a specific cut-off. Hopefully we can keep the damage caused by this to a minimum by keeping the inter-release interval down.

Big project TIPs

Who What Notes
JH/DG/PT/rmax 162:IPv6 Sockets for Tclmight still make it; it's getting very important
JH 239:Enhance the 'load' Commandwill probably do #357 instead


LV - 2009-10-28 07:50:11

I don't notice this bug, listed 2762041 , in the list above. Is it too hard, or deemed harmless enough, to not make it into the next release?

dkf - 2009-10-28 10:27:52

It's not too hard, and there's no reason at all to not fix it; we're just not currently planning to block the release until it is fixed. In fact, of the ones above some are probably not release blockers either, and shouldn't be prio9. From the perspective of the roadmap, it is the blocking issues that are critical...

LV - 2009-10-28 12:34:37

Okay, that makes sense. I just was uncertain how the determination of where the bug fixes stop and the release happens worked. Thanks DKF!

dkf - 2009-10-28 17:42:00

Sometimes prio9 bugs come and get fixed so fast they don't have time to show up here (as this list is manually maintained). For example issue#2888044 came and went too fast for me to note...

thomasmenez - 2009-11-30 13:29:00

Why not add SF queries links to have up-to-date bug lists ? And get rid of those 'manually maintained' tables...

Oustanding Tcl prio 9 open bugs

Oustanding Tk prio 9 open bugs

Note : I had to tweak SF URLs a bit (I actually removed the brackets) as this Wiki page was unable to display them correctly. Fortunately, those tweaked SF links still work that way.

dkf - 2009-11-30 08:50:29

The links in the summary table are live, and have been for a while. Or at least they work for me. Part of my reasoning for listing them here is as part of a "naming and shaming" exercise. It helped prompt me to nail a lot of the bugs that had been assigned to myself ...

Martyn Smith - 2010-03-27 10:00:55 Donal is there any particular reason why Schelte Bron's File selection dialog for Tile could not be used as the replacement for tk_getOpenFile, I use is in a few applications and have not had any problems so far ?

Maybe the license is not compatible it says # Copyright (C) Schelte Bron. Freely redistributable. And there does not seem to be a specific license file.

dkf - 2010-03-27 10:53:44

Quite apart from the fact that I'm not keen on having directories separate, I'd like to be able to do things like having a details view so that I can do things like sorting by file mtime.

I'm also taking the opportunity to work on changing the previously-existing megawidgets used to implement the dialog into more robust things. Who knows, the framework that comes out of that might be properly published in 8.7...

Martyn Smith - 2010-03-27 18:55 Have you looked at the little tool menu, I unselected 'Separate Folders' and then selected 'Detailed View' the sort/reverse sort by date and folders first options are also available. It only seems to be missing the click on the titles to change the sort order. Maybe treeview would look good here.