Version 50 of Template and Macro processing

Updated 2015-10-09 23:43:02 by pooryorick

Template and macro processing is perhaps more common in Tcl than many scripting languages, and many tools have been published.

Macro/Substitution Tools

expand, by William Duquette
A dedicated T/M processor. The core of expand was added to tcllib/textutil.
Tmac, by Roy Terry
a general-purpose macro package for expanding and substituting Tcl code.
a Lisp-like macro system for Tcl.
Subst template expansion helpers
knit, by PYK
a macro system that leverages tailcall
Percent Substitution
FrontLine, by Koen Van Damme
the author has used Frontline to write a preprocessor based upon Tcl to get more power than provided by the C/C++ preprocessor.

Template Tools

TclHttpd, by Brent Welch
a web server that includes a template processor
Kinetic Application Processor, by AsiaInfo
a web server that includes a template processor
Tml a component of BrowseX
a template processing system for both dynamic and static content.
Apache Rivet
the successor to mod_dtcl
the OpenACS templating system
scripted templates
where the template itself is a syntactically valid Tcl script
teaspoon, by xan
a PHP-like templating engine for Tcl, and works particularly well with tanzer
has just two tags, ASP-like, easily expandable, and relatively safe, as it runs in a safe interpreter.
Open Liquid
is a parsing and rendering engine for the Liquid Markup Language, written in C++ with the goal of being bindable to any scripting language interpreter. Currently, only Tcl is supported through the Tcl C API.
A partial Tcl implementation of the TemplateToolkit :


The cardinal rule for templating a Tcl script is that a value being interpolated into a Tcl script as a word must be escaped as a list containing that value as its lone word. This rule does not apply, of course, to the interpolation script fragments. See Tcl Quoting for further discussion.

See Also

Templates and subst
presents substify and applytemplate.
Web Templating
Text Clipboard
Code Generation
emacs package to insert templated code interactively
not just a game - it is a templating system as well!