Version 157 of Wiki Announcements

Updated 2009-07-20 05:12:05 by CMcC

20 Jul 09 AEST the why is this thing running so *slow* mods

  • page caching - experimental
  • new instrumentation on page generation (not visible to users, but nice to note :)
  • simplified some page generation with concommittant speedups.

23 Jun 09 CETDST

  • New markup to specify categories:
           <<categories>> Category A | Category B | Category C
  • This will be rendered requivalent to:
           %|[Category A]|[Category B]|[Category C]|%
  • Don't go updating pages where categories are specified in another way, this will be done in batch.

16 Jun 09 CETDST

  • Link in left hand menu to add comments to a wiki page. You can enter a comment, which will be added at the end of the wiki page, preceded by an horizontal rule, your nick-name and a time-stamp. When the page ends with new style category specifiers, comments are insert right above that.
    LV so what's the philosophical difference between adding a comment to a page versus using the wiki's Edit link to just make changes in place like this? I'm wondering when one is going to be used versus the other. I know that I prefer to see people make corrections directly to the content as opposed to making comments at the bottom that leave me having to read through everything on the page to be certain that what I am reading is correct.
    DKF: The big difference is that you don't get edit conflicts if two people are adding comments to a page at the same time, unlike if they're both editing. Probably could do with some JS/Ajax cleverness so that we can see the page we're commenting on while writing the comment, but that's easier to add once the basic functionality is done (well, it is if you're JDC and know that sort of thing. :-))
    jdc Adding a comment has the same restrictions as a plain edit. Only it is added at the end of the page, in a fixed format. I see it as making remarks about the contents of the page, discussing about the content without clobbering it. Not as a replacement of fixing and adding content in place.
    ferrieux Agreed. One extra value I see to the fixed-form comment style is to deprecate the habit of writing a comment (or whole discussion) without a date.

22 Apr 09 CETDST

  • More toolbar buttons on edit page (save, preview, cancel, help)
  • Move preview and help up so they appear above the edit area

Jos, I tried to submit a bug report, twice, on the following problem, but the bug tracker input form is failing. Today I am seeing weird tooltip behavior when I edit a wikit page. I see one of two related things. I either see 2 tooltip labels containing the same text, but at different sizes, appear, or I see one label, and when I move the cursor a pixel or two that label disappears and the second one, with different size text, appearing.

I'm using IE 7.

jdc Larry, this is IE7 using the alt text of the buttons as the larger toolt-tips. I'll remove the alt text.

14 Feb 09 AEST

Some disruption likely to some functions for a few days.

  • major Wub mods to provide http:/_nub/nubs and .ini based configuration
  • edit preview not currently working (I screwed up the js :}) but will be fixed
  • contemplating move to jQuery for javascripting needs


  • CSS for media screen, print and handheld.
  • Default for media screen is now with left-hand menu. Alternative CSS without left-hand menu for screen, can be toggled from footer, choice is stored in a cookie.
  • Media print and handheld are without left-hand menu.
  • Some space between general and page links in the left-hand menu.
  • Made ribbons on /4 nofollow links.


  • Activity indicator on Recent Changes which is a measure for the editing done on the page. The activity is shown as a gray ribbon. The longer the ribbon, the more edit activity on the page. Clicking on the ribbon will bring you to the new editing summary page.
  • The edit summary lists the latest edits, most recent at the top, newly added lines in green, removed lines in red.
  • Some browsers convert sequences of 8 spaces into a tab. This introduced a lot of fake edits. When saving, tabs are now converted into sequences of 8 spaces.
  • The RSS feed now contains all changes, not just the latest one. The description field now also contains the newly added lines.

LV The activity bar is still a bit of a mystery to me. For instance, sometimes, an addition of a Category seems to result in a single block - like 21910 right now. But 21911 has also had a category (well, technically 2 categories) added, and it has a 5 block indicator. Is there some sort of expontial relationship, depending on the time span of the changes?

jdc The activity is calculated as the sum of (numberOfLinesChanged*numberOfCharsChange/(clock seconds-timeOfChange)) for all changes to a page for the last 10 days. The length of the ribbon is calculated as int(log10($sum*10000)).

5Nov08 CETDST Edit preview and extended help on the edit pages, markup for nested numbered/unnumbered lists (see Formatting Rules), all headers are now shown in the page-TOC, color visited links differently, top align items of +++ blocks, draw border around items in +++ blocks, make <h2> smaller than <h1> and bigger than <h3>.

21Oct08 AEST Experimenting with changes to the way saved pages are returned to the editor, removed a redirect which sometimes lead to stale (pre-edit) pages, and thence to confusion. It's a bit of a hack, because other copies of the page may still be served from cache, but using the Content-Location should invalidate those. ZB Could be possible to set different colour for "visited links"?

2Mar08 AEST Testing cookies on WAP devices - seems to work on normal browsers.

27Feb08 AEST Some problems with edit cookies - should be fixed now

21Feb08 AEST Once again, session experimentation in progress, some disruption possible.

17Feb08 AEST Experimenting with an entropy measure for calculating significant recent changes and RSS feed. For a while, RSS will probably be empty until it adapts to the new measure.

16Feb08 AEST After a lot of learning about cookies and caching, I'm going to be playing with sessions again. You may experience some discomfort.

29Jan08 AEST I've broken Table of Contents, trying to fix these cookies. It'll be offline until I can get back to it in a couple of hours. I need a break.

TOC is back, can be toggled. The changes were mainly performance motivated. If there are problems with the new cookies, please indicate.

28Jan08 AEST Trying to remove spurious cookies, some instability may be evident with table of contents, and possibly you'll have to re-login. If you're having problems, try clearing cookies.

22Jan08 AEST Sessions for Wikit, take 2.

21Jan08 AEST Tentatively: I think editing is working again. Found the bug - unexpected side-effect of an uplevel dict with. Bleah.

20Jan08 AEST Experimenting with new cookie/session code. I am moving all cookies to a more restricted domain (just /_edit) which should reduce bandwidth and round trips a little.

This has been quite difficult. I'm hoping it's back up now for editing. You will need to re-login.

17Jan08 AEST aggressively blocked some presumed bots: and which together consumed about 38% of total wiki bandwidth. If this is you, and you think you have a reason for this usage (random traversal of links per page, ignoring robots.txt) please contact me and we'll see what we can do.

17Jan08 AEST Made _toc caching more aggressive. Should improve latency and reduce bandwidth.


escargo 16 Jan 2008 - GMT-600 - How much would the access numbers be reduced because of successful Varnish[L1 ] caching?

CMcC Not at all - these logs are from varnish. The downside is that malicious client blocking isn't working. The upside is I know, better, who they are.

16Jan08 AEST I'm trialling Varnish caching on the Wub. There may be some problems - specifically edits may not immediately show up until I get the interface right; this is under active test. Please be vigilant and patient. It is hoped that Varnish will provide high-speed caching and increase the speed of the wiki. Sometimes using C to solve a problem just makes sense :)

  • Problem interaction with Spider Blocking solved. You may have seen Forbidden responses for a while.
  • Caching and fetching after edit are uncoupled, so your client may receive a redirect after edit before the cache has processed the cache-invalidation request. This means you may not see your changes immediately. I've got to mull this over.

04Jan08 AEST The Wub distribution now comes with a small simple demo application (called Application.tcl, found in the Wub/ directory). Enjoy. Now I'm off to bed; it's 4am.

03Jan08 AEST Removed snit from some modules (turned them into namespace ensembles instead) with surprising apparent speedups. Simplified and generalized some internal interfaces.

02Jan08 AEST Modified server to block sites which have a large number of simultaneous connections persistently. Modified server to make block persistent. Client sites may be blocked for being obvious spiders, malicious hole seekers, etc. will give the current list of blockages.

31Jul07 AEST made front end single-threaded, allowed a single front-end worker to handle multiple connections. Seems a little slower to me, but having multiple front-end threads handling multiple connections seemed fastest of all. Update: the wikit is currently running entirely within one thread.

16Jul07 AEST added some CSS button styling to the wikit, also added some sorted tables where it seemed useful. Please report issues here: [L2 ]. Also added a space [L3 ] for documenting Wub.

10Jul07 AEST Fixed bug preventing Lynx from saving. Tested.

9Jul07 AEST excluding MSIE from gzip content-encoding. It's totally broken. People should use FireFox.

8Jul07 AEST Implemented and deployed gzip content-encoding. Please be alert to any problems which may arise. Of course, the transfer speed ought to be much faster now. Update: Unfortunately there are some problems with MSIE, so gzip is turned off for now.

7Jul07 AEST Collecting core dumps now whenever there's a sigsegv. Upgraded to HEAD tcl8.5, metakit, tcllib.

6Jul07 AEST Added another Save button on editing. Really only added this to see if it works. :) It did.

4Jul07 AEST Caching was interfering with edit reporting and recent changes. Fixed.

3Jul07 AEST Found/fixed a utf-8 bug only triggered by Safari (as far as I can tell.) Removed general robot nofollow,noindex - the intention is that web spiders can now follow local (in-wiki) links, but not external links. Working on potential races at HTTP processing level.

21Jun07 AEST Fixed the conflict-with-self bug. Turned out one shouldn't return a 302 response to a POST. Returning a 201 now.

13Jun07 Thanks to the efforts of kbk and jdc, Wiki now has a functional in-db diffs module - you can see it in operation by using the Revisions links at the bottom of most pages (for example, see [L4 ].)

Happy Wiki Fun Plots:

A plot of last change date for page number for pages with content.

Vertical axis is unix-time (over 8 years of wikit.) Horizontal axis is wiki page number.

You can see some artifacts

  • the empty line across the top is the great outage of 2007
  • the big empty space in the middle is a lot of stuff which has been changed or deleted.
  • the dark horizontal lines are probably wikignoming (which seems to be a seasonal event :)
  • a significant number of pages are edited for creation, then left (that's the 'crust')
  • What is that empty space from 6000-8000? (DKF: I think that's remnants from when the FAQ was partially-transferred into the wiki; it generated a very large number of empty/virtual pages, and then the person working on it was asked not to do that, so that many have never had content added to them.)
  • And the empty space in the 19000's ???

WikiDbImage wiki-time-page.png

This graph was created using plotchart with the following script:

package require Tk
package require Mk4tcl
package require Plotchart

mk::file open db [lindex $argv 0]

canvas .c  -background white -width 800 -height 600
pack .c -fill both

set s [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c {0.0 22000.0 2000.0} {900000000.0 1210000000.0 100000000.0}]

$s dataconfig series1 -colour "red" -type symbol -symbol cross
$s ytext "Time"
$s xtext "Page number"
$s title "Page/last-edit graph"

for { set i 0 } { $i < [mk::view size db.pages] } { incr i } {
    lassign [mk::get db.pages!$i date page] date page 
    if { [string length $page] > 1 } { 
        $s plot series1 $i [mk::get db.pages!$i date]

mk::file close db

A plot of number of residual changes per day:

WikiDbImage residual_changes.png

This plot was created with the following script:

package require Tk
package require Mk4tcl
package require Plotchart

mk::file open db [lindex $argv 0]

canvas .c  -background white -width 800 -height 600
pack .c -fill both

set s [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c {900000000.0 1210000000.0 100000000.0} {0.0 80.0 10.0}]

$s dataconfig series1 -colour "red" -type symbol -symbol cross
$s xtext "Time"
$s ytext "Page number"
$s title "Residual changes per day"

for { set i 0 } { $i < [mk::view size db.pages] } { incr i } {
    lassign [mk::get db.pages!$i date page] date page 
    if { [string length $page] > 1 } { 
        incr rd([expr $date-($date%86400)]) 1

mk::file close db

foreach k [array names rd] {
    $s plot series1 $k $rd($k)

jdc Top 20 of most edited pages (from data snapshot on 10-jul-2009)

Number of pageNumber of editsPage name
35 1610New Pages
34 1565Graffiti
1299 897Ask, and it shall be given.
10314 770Ask, and it shall be given # 2
13 699Tcl'ers
883 546Tcl 9.0 WishList
12730 508Ask, and it shall be given # 3
17960 507WubWikit Problems
18004 478Ask, and it shall be given # 6
9770 404One Liners
0 399The Tcler's Wiki
1683 383RS
693 344Applications in Tcl and Tcl/Tk
12094 339Zarutian
638 333George Peter Staplin
15260 320eTcl
4055 310Tk 9.0 WishList
21076 296Ask, and it shall be given # 7
17 295Wikit Problems
19 295Suggestions for Wikit
3025 287Veronica Loell

This table was generated with the following script:

package require Mk4tcl

mk::file open db [lindex $argv 0]

set edl {}

for { set i 0 } { $i < [mk::view size db.pages] } { incr i } {
    lassign [mk::get db.pages!$i date page name] date page name
    set ed 0
    if { [string length $page] > 1 } { 
        set ed 1
        incr ed [llength [mk::select db.pages!$i.changes]]
        lappend edl [list $i $ed $name]

mk::file close db

set edl [lsort -decreasing -index 1 -integer $edl]

set cnt 0

puts "%|'''Number of page'''|'''Number of edits'''|'''Page name'''|%"

foreach edsl $edl {
    lassign $edsl page count name
    puts "&|[format %5d $page]|[format %5d $count]|\[$name\]|&"
    incr cnt
    if { $cnt > 20 } { 

escargo 10 Apr 2008 - This might be true, but is it useful? How about the 20 most edited pages changed in the last 30 days? Or, alternatively, the 20 pages edited most often in the last 30 days? (Those are not necessarily the same pages.)

The 20 most edited pages in last 30 days (from data snapshot on 10-jul-2009):

Number of pageNumber of editsPage name
34 41Graffiti
23893 18A Tree class using TclOO
23203 16Graph Manipulations
23752 15Software creation with Tcl/Tk
21254 14Simple Program Menu
23793 14exec on windows oddity?
20977 13Geany
23839 13execx2
23626 12Wibble
23932 12My question is listed here--Please help!!!
23921 11LogParser goes COM
1184 10Tcl Editors
19613 10Wiki Announcements
35 9New Pages
22566 98th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting
23812 9Jacl Modernization Release Notes
1401 8bind
23759 8Wiki jumps the shark
14 7Formatting Rules
3513 7REpresentational State Transfer, REST
4718 7wiki-reaper

This table was generated with the following script:

package require Mk4tcl

mk::file open db wikit.tkd

set edl {}

for { set i 0 } { $i < [mk::view size db.pages] } { incr i } {
    lassign [mk::get db.pages!$i date page name] date page name
    if {$date < [clock scan "30 days ago"]} continue
    set ed 0
    if { [string length $page] > 1 } { 
        set ed 1
        for {set j 0} {$j < [mk::view size db.pages!$i.changes]} {incr j} {
            lassign [mk::get db.pages!$i.changes!$j date] date
            if {$date < [clock scan "30 days ago"]} continue
            incr ed
        lappend edl [list $i $ed $name]

mk::file close db

set edl [lsort -decreasing -index 1 -integer $edl]

set cnt 0

puts "%|'''Number of page'''|'''Number of edits'''|'''Page name'''|%"

foreach edsl $edl {
    lassign $edsl page count name
    puts "&|[format %5d $page]|[format %5d $count]|\[$name\]|&"
    incr cnt
    if { $cnt > 20 } { 