References to, includes from, and redirects to Ffidl

Date Name Who What
2015-09-07 05:08:52 Agent SMITH: Evolution of a Test Tool in Tcl/Tk RLE reference
2020-03-01 07:09:32 Alphatk aks2161989 reference
2017-09-21 09:37:33 always on top MHo reference
2014-07-13 10:26:10 Anton Kovalenko AntonKovalenko reference
2019-09-03 08:46:12 Ask, and it shall be given # 1 pooryorick reference
2015-04-28 17:21:20 Ask, and it shall be given # 2 MiHa reference
2019-09-03 11:38:34 Ask, and it shall be given # 3 pooryorick reference
2024-08-01 23:28:49 Ask, and it shall be given # 8 TWu reference
2016-07-30 19:23:23 AutoIt dbohdan reference
2014-11-08 18:59:12 calling Fortran routines in a DLL NF reference
2018-05-22 16:12:56 Collation bll reference
2014-05-24 15:46:51 COM on! - a tiny web browser RLE reference
2011-07-04 22:22:47 Comparing TWAPI and Ffidl on Windows RLE reference
2016-02-03 22:55:17 Controlling I/O Peripherals SeS reference
2002-12-11 11:54:21 Critchlow's Tcl support routines reference
2015-03-16 07:02:22 demangle pooryorick reference
2015-12-04 03:05:13 dllcaller RLE reference
2014-05-21 17:16:02 Everything is a dict AMG reference
2024-11-03 20:03:14 Extending Tcl fgaz reference
2005-11-30 00:23:36 Extending the DLL Search Path on Windows reference
2010-07-22 17:38:07 Ffix - Ffidl eXtented AMG reference
2015-05-22 11:47:56 Getting Windows "special folders" with Ffidl EMJ reference
2013-11-30 04:45:55 GTK-Server pooryorick reference
2018-01-04 20:33:13 HOMEPATH Duoas reference
2008-11-11 15:12:24 How Tcl accesses the Win32 API dkf reference
2012-09-08 16:43:10 How to invoke a C function from Tcl RLE reference
2017-07-17 10:13:58 How to use new fonts without installing'em ABU reference
2019-07-08 23:32:42 inifile chrstphrchvz reference
2023-10-16 09:33:33 Inventory of Tcl Packages neophytosd reference
2006-09-11 22:00:56 itunes music player reference
2014-09-22 19:26:43 llvmtcl jdc reference
2017-12-09 13:46:03 load EF reference
2017-11-30 17:11:20 LuaJIT dbohdan reference
2021-12-22 22:09:18 mathematics pooryorick reference
2009-04-21 21:28:21 Matthias Hoffmann - Tcl-Code-Snippets - misc routines MHo reference
2012-08-27 22:30:58 Michael Jacobson LkpPo reference
2009-07-25 05:22:23 NewzPoint LVwikignoming reference
2013-11-02 20:01:30 odyce pooryorick reference
2015-03-22 21:47:04 optcl SEH reference
2024-10-15 20:18:30 Poor Yorick pooryorick reference
2019-04-29 21:54:52 references in Tcl (a simple approach) xk2600 reference
2008-10-24 18:02:05 Remote Control of Test Equipment Using Distributed Objects dkf reference
2012-06-28 11:55:18 Restart Windows OS RLE reference
2013-01-11 03:11:30 screensaver RLE reference
2008-10-29 04:41:09 Skybot mdd reference
2017-10-18 22:38:13 smartcard ABU reference
2013-09-06 17:15:00 SnODBC pooryorick reference
2011-02-28 23:15:30 Starkits with Binary Extensions jdp reference
2020-04-19 09:47:56 tclcairo DDG reference
2011-04-10 05:16:07 tclCarbonProcesses RLE reference
2012-01-06 00:47:10 TclTkAquaBI RLE reference
2023-08-18 12:24:33 testing pooryorick reference
2025-01-09 02:52:36 TWAPI apn reference
2014-01-25 15:54:46 Uptime in Windows dkf reference
2008-05-02 10:00:50 VxWorks dkf reference
2015-11-30 19:37:56 web2desktop dbohdan reference
2012-07-03 09:46:59 winapi EF reference
2020-04-17 20:37:36 WinGdi ABU reference
2015-08-20 14:00:52 Yet another dll caller Dada_Ba reference