References to, includes from, and redirects to Kevin Kenny

Date Name Who What
2015-02-12 07:30:21 .NET plwork reference
2017-05-06 07:02:58 1993 Tcl/Tk Workshop ak reference
2017-05-06 07:01:58 1994 Tcl/Tk Workshop ak reference
2012-01-16 05:31:00 A little A/D clock RLE reference
2016-01-04 01:50:46 A real problem pooryorick reference
2019-03-21 19:43:15 About the WIki AMG reference
2015-03-07 05:50:25 ActiveState of Tcl 2008 RLE reference
2018-06-27 02:36:48 AK at the Tenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference AMG reference
2023-10-25 10:46:10 An analog clock in Tk JeffSmith reference
2012-05-14 11:12:27 Bernoulli RLE reference
2015-10-13 23:10:47 Binding to a single mouse click RLE reference
2014-02-09 16:14:56 Binomial Coefficients dkf reference
2022-04-11 10:25:43 Braintwisters pooryorick reference
2017-06-19 17:45:20 BSD EMJ reference
2014-02-16 23:53:35 Canvas Buttons in 3-D RLE reference
2013-10-16 06:31:12 Caps Lock pooryorick reference
2015-07-13 10:25:27 Cartesian product of a list of lists dkf reference
2022-10-04 17:47:05 clock gs reference
2012-05-17 01:39:06 Combinatorial mathematics functions RLE reference
2014-03-13 16:15:21 CRIMP ak reference
2019-11-14 00:13:52 Describing and rendering flags in Tcl aku reference
2023-10-25 22:26:43 Dots and Boxes JeffSmith reference
2022-08-15 13:07:56 error Ayka reference
2011-10-11 02:33:45 esperanto RLE reference
2023-05-24 18:14:53 Example of reading and writing to a piped command DDG reference
2022-04-11 10:19:57 expr problems with int pooryorick reference
2008-10-24 13:46:19 Fifteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2008) Discussion cleverly reference
2023-12-02 19:58:23 fileevent oehhar reference
2014-11-04 02:12:59 Fourteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2007) pooryorick reference
2018-09-28 12:26:39 Good girls don't PeterLewerin reference
2010-10-22 10:02:47 GSoC 2009 Executed Projects dkf reference
2013-12-15 21:03:57 GSoC 2010 Executed Projects andrewsh reference
2018-02-08 22:13:07 GSoC 2011 Executed Projects ak reference
2013-10-16 06:43:57 How to read answers posted on the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup pooryorick reference
2014-08-30 17:30:01 Java vs Tcl tpoindex reference
2011-11-05 00:55:58 KBK AMG redirect
2011-11-23 11:49:53 ke9tv dkf redirect
2011-11-05 00:56:09 kennykb AMG redirect
2014-11-06 03:09:18 KHIM aspect reference
2016-07-01 09:18:26 lset oehhar reference
2012-05-28 05:50:59 Manipulating blocks of data RLE reference
2013-09-06 01:11:38 Mapping Colorado RLE reference
2024-01-10 23:30:13 menu LES reference
2023-07-22 07:23:47 Microsoft Access davygrvy reference
2012-10-15 09:58:40 Notes from the 2001 Tcl Conference RLE reference
2022-10-27 18:33:13 option database LES reference
2012-09-09 15:01:26 Performance of Various Stack Implementations RLE reference
2012-06-09 21:38:56 Power set of a list RLE reference
2011-03-11 04:52:51 Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2009 AK reference
2014-12-28 15:12:50 Radical reform of the execution engine dkf reference
2019-12-17 21:42:37 Read-only text widget ccbbaa reference
2022-10-09 11:15:57 Regular Expression Examples pooryorick reference
2012-05-13 04:28:11 Rendering mathematical formulae RLE reference
2013-12-25 06:14:34 Reworking the clock command RLE reference
2024-09-27 15:41:38 Shuffle a list RPN reference
2021-09-20 13:26:22 Shuffle a list: graph results pooryorick reference
2005-12-17 23:59:03 Super and Subscripts in a text widget reference
2012-06-11 12:12:28 Super-exponential growth in text manipulation RLE reference
2023-11-15 11:06:29 Tcl 9.0 WishList dbohdan reference
2014-03-03 19:02:33 Tcl 2008 Conference Talks pooryorick reference
2016-04-04 01:32:18 Tcl and octal numbers pooryorick reference
2012-09-12 10:07:08 Tcl Benchmarks LkpPo reference
2025-02-05 10:09:58 Tcl Chatroom apn reference
2024-09-27 09:28:22 Tcl chronology torsten reference
2024-11-19 17:12:43 Tcl Core Team oehhar reference
2013-09-04 04:06:13 Tcl Database Connectivity pooryorick reference
2017-07-31 08:12:36 Tcl Gems pooryorick reference
2013-10-16 06:58:08 Tcl performance: catch vs. info pooryorick reference
2018-09-28 12:39:38 Tcl testimonials PeterLewerin reference
2025-01-27 19:57:32 Tcl'ers sergiol reference
2010-03-12 10:00:25 Tclode arjen reference
2023-10-26 03:20:05 TclStars JeffSmith reference
2015-09-20 22:02:22 TDBC Driver Development HolgerJ reference
2022-04-11 10:20:08 Text variable for text widget pooryorick reference
2013-11-25 17:57:47 The anatomy of a bytecoded command suchenwi reference
2016-01-17 04:57:23 Things British pooryorick reference
2019-07-03 17:04:27 Things Japanese SEH reference
2015-06-13 20:21:09 TIP #323: Do Nothing Gracefully juef reference
2022-01-15 17:56:50 tk scaling oehhar reference
2022-03-29 13:45:00 trace APE reference
2017-08-05 08:03:21 Why adding Tcl calls to a C/C++ application is a bad idea Xetwnk reference
2008-04-21 08:23:57 WikiDiff Notifications dkf reference
2009-07-25 06:45:20 Wikit is way cool LVwikignoming reference
2005-07-04 09:25:47 Your social contribution as a Tcl'er reference