References to, includes from, and redirects to WJG

Date Name Who What
2022-10-29 05:39:26 A change-sensitive text widget LES reference
2012-09-10 12:04:49 A little XML browser WJG reference
2012-09-08 00:03:49 A pocket Wiki RLE reference
2017-06-14 11:04:35 A wiki-like markup language for the text widget WJG reference
2012-11-20 13:34:00 Accessing Gnocl Modules from their Regular Installation Directories with Scripts Compiled using FreeWrap wjg reference
2011-10-18 12:23:27 Accessing Online Language Resources Provided By the University of Chicago. dkf reference
2013-08-30 03:58:25 Adding 'history' to BWidget ComboBox widgets. RLE reference
2015-03-07 05:52:14 Adding Complex Input Bindings to Gnocl Text Widgets RLE reference
2013-09-09 21:49:16 Adding Points to gnocl::canvas Line Items RLE reference
2015-10-09 21:46:56 Alternate widget sets RLE reference
2012-06-09 14:41:11 Appending Values to an Array of Unknown Size AMG reference
2019-03-05 21:22:52 Arrow buttons kpv reference
2018-09-24 18:30:22 automatic .bak files dbohdan reference
2012-12-31 02:58:16 Balancing Open and Close Quotes in a Gnocl Text Widget RLE reference
2018-09-20 12:57:15 Balancing Open and Close Quotes in a TK text widget. jdc reference
2015-10-13 23:07:09 bind.tcl RLE reference
2012-08-30 14:26:28 BOOK: Tcl/Tk 8.5 Programming Cookbook LkpPo reference
2013-12-31 14:02:09 Capitalize -Create WP formatted title strings on arbitrary strings WJG reference
2015-09-02 21:03:39 case:title -Create WP formatted title strings on the active selection pooryorick reference
2011-06-25 15:04:25 CEDict Viewer RLE reference
2012-08-16 15:30:37 Centering a window tab reference
2017-06-24 16:50:28 Closest Hit - Choosing closest matches to a target value WJG reference
2012-09-18 00:57:52 ClrPick -A Colour Selection Megawidget RLE reference
2019-02-09 21:44:33 CollapsableFrame -A Toggle Resized Labelled Frame Container pooryorick reference
2013-08-30 03:59:17 Combo -A aimple Combobox widget with entry history. RLE reference
2013-08-30 04:00:46 Combo -A simple Combobox widget with entry history. RLE reference
2021-03-19 00:03:25 Concatenating Multiple Entries in a dict WJG reference
2024-01-17 06:58:57 console for Unix et4 reference
2012-07-06 22:11:24 Creating Circles and Arcs in the Gnocl Canvas RLE reference
2015-03-05 21:42:51 Creating Extensions in C++ AMG reference
2012-03-11 00:52:48 Creating Rollover Effects for Text Tags in GtkTexView Widgets with Gnocl escargo reference
2021-10-06 12:02:59 Custom Icons For Win32 Starpacks - The Real Story schmitzu reference
2011-01-16 07:17:36 Desktop Slide Show RLE reference
2021-05-04 10:48:42 Determination of Character Unicode Blocks WJG reference
2022-01-17 08:40:29 diff in Tcl pooryorick reference
2020-07-23 13:27:38 Displaying a table of values with Gnocl table, eventBox and label widgets WJG reference
2018-05-18 22:04:05 Displaying Tree Hierarchy with Incremental Node Numbering WJG reference
2010-07-31 07:33:43 Drag and Drop Notebook Tabs wjg reference
2011-12-10 08:28:15 Droptree -Enhanced BWidget Tree Operations RLE reference
2014-01-13 09:02:31 Easy input of Pinyin dkf reference
2016-01-03 13:16:24 Easy input of Romanised Sanskrit scud reference
2011-12-17 03:43:12 Easyargs -Let proceedure switches set themselves RLE reference
2013-01-24 23:30:33 Embedding Glade UI Files into Tcl/Gnocl Scripts RLE reference
2013-05-19 00:08:49 Expanding Markup String Convenience Tags Using String Mapping aspect reference
2022-10-13 09:01:15 Extract Numbers From a String WJG reference
2013-01-29 02:14:07 Floating Palette RLE reference
2018-03-07 09:38:52 Font Choosers WJG reference
2023-11-04 12:31:07 for HE reference
2011-04-03 15:50:39 gammaButton RLE reference
2022-12-15 20:46:03 Geany torsten reference
2023-05-29 07:07:29 gnocl {William Giddings} reference
2011-03-24 08:01:58 Gnocl Desklets -PhotoAlbum WJG reference
2011-04-09 20:16:16 Gnocl EntryIcons WJG reference
2018-10-18 10:29:31 Gnocl Icon Catalogue WJG reference
2011-03-18 16:45:40 Gnocl JukeBox WJG reference
2018-10-29 22:40:47 Gnocl List Picker kpv reference
2016-09-01 20:34:13 GNocl Megawidget - gnocl::listPicker WJG reference
2016-09-01 21:23:22 Gnocl Megawidget Creation Template WJG reference
2016-09-03 07:52:53 Gnocl Megawidget Creation using TclOO dkf reference
2019-01-08 21:51:22 Gnocl MenuButton WJG reference
2013-01-18 22:13:06 gnocl or PyGtk? pooryorick reference
2012-09-24 09:48:44 gnocl Popup Menus LkpPo reference
2015-03-16 07:13:40 Gnocl Q's and A's pooryorick reference
2012-01-16 05:29:10 Gnocl Release 0.9.95 RLE reference
2011-04-16 03:09:09 Gnocl Simple Stock Item Viewer RLE reference
2014-02-09 18:03:38 Gnocl Widget Tree -Revisited dkf reference
2014-02-09 18:02:33 gnocl::abiwidget dkf reference
2012-08-08 01:45:09 gnocl::assistant RLE reference
2009-07-05 11:28:49 gnocl::calendar LVwikignoming reference
2012-08-25 17:28:33 gnocl::canvas RLE reference
2009-07-05 11:25:15 gnocl::curve LVwikignoming reference
2018-03-18 09:10:03 gnocl::dial WJG reference
2018-03-13 19:33:18 gnocl::drawingArea WJG reference
2014-02-09 18:03:05 gnocl::fixed dkf reference
2009-07-05 11:27:57 gnocl::gCurve LVwikignoming reference
2010-03-10 22:19:52 gnocl::handleBox WJG reference
2009-07-05 11:15:36 gnocl::iconView LVwikignoming reference
2012-06-25 07:34:40 gnocl::OpenGL RLE reference
2018-03-12 22:20:29 gnocl::paned WJG reference
2011-07-03 16:55:49 gnocl::pdfViewer dkf reference
2014-02-09 18:03:20 gnocl::pixBuf -using Gnocl to interact with off-screen drawable objects dkf reference
2009-07-05 11:26:56 gnocl::ruler LVwikignoming reference
2009-07-06 08:46:35 gnocl::sourceView -Tcl bindings for the GtkSourceView Code Editing Widget LVwikignoming reference
2014-02-09 18:03:54 gnocl::textBuffer dkf reference
2011-03-29 19:42:53 gnocl::tickerTape WJG reference
2009-12-09 20:51:17 gnocl::tree WJG reference
2009-07-05 12:37:08 gnocl::vte LVwikignoming reference
2015-06-13 19:56:23 gnocl::webKit juef reference
2011-04-22 13:44:12 GnoclEdit.tcl -Plain Text Editor Using Gnocl Tcl-Gtk bindings WJG reference
2011-03-30 16:53:55 GnoWS - Gnocl Workspaces AMG reference
2022-04-11 09:29:44 Gradient fills on a gnocl::pixbBuf pooryorick reference
2010-01-11 22:26:34 grepGui -an experimental Gnocl based front end for use with Grep AMG reference
2016-11-07 13:05:09 GSoC Idea: Tcl FireFox Scripting and DOM access ttt reference
2009-01-29 09:09:27 GTK Stardust-like theme for Ttk widgets? wjg reference
2023-08-02 06:23:40 GUI Building Tools pooryorick reference
2022-04-13 16:26:18 Input Method Editor pooryorick reference
2013-03-25 22:33:34 ITRANS to Unicode Converter WJG reference
2025-01-26 21:46:32 Jigsaw Puzzler paul reference
2013-09-25 13:23:47 label selection WJG reference
2012-07-19 00:47:39 Labelled Scale Widget with Toggled Keyboard Entry RLE reference
2022-04-11 10:20:23 LabelText -A Multi Line Entry Widget pooryorick reference
2018-10-17 13:31:52 Linux: volume control bll reference
2017-06-05 18:23:22 listcomp -Compare the Contents of two Lists ddavtyan reference
2006-03-09 16:46:11 LoadButtons -Batch loading of images graphics for GUI objects reference
2008-07-19 09:36:16 Loading and Saving Application Configuration Files lars_h reference
2009-12-07 00:06:32 Loading Glade UI Confgiuration Files into Tcl/Gnocl Applications WJG reference
2006-04-19 03:36:44 lshift -Adding Unique Items to Lists of Fixed Length reference
2013-05-01 14:30:59 Move any widget SeS reference
2019-01-10 08:35:06 Multi-column display in text widget daapp reference
2011-07-05 17:09:39 Notions -A Personal Wiki Built Using Tcl/Tk LarrySmith reference
2012-03-21 21:16:22 Operating TWAIN Scanners through TCL and EZTWAIN. superlinux reference
2011-01-16 07:08:07 Organising Multiple Widgets in a Tree-Like Structure with Gnocl RLE reference
2023-10-01 05:59:08 Pattern Searches on Blocks of Text greg reference
2018-11-27 16:26:05 PhotoAlbum -A Web Gallery Creation Tool Jorge reference
2014-04-03 02:44:45 Pinyin, ASCII to Unicode Converter RLE reference
2008-11-09 18:26:53 Popup Menus -An all in one solution for application wide popup menus. hae reference
2011-12-17 23:53:21 Popups -Using popup menus to offer variations in displayed text RLE reference
2016-10-29 02:55:16 Postits -Providing Embedded Annotation Functionality to TK Text Widgets APN reference
2024-03-26 18:08:42 Practical_Advice_on_Quotes_and_Brackets_in_TCL gold reference
2024-01-02 16:19:44 Problem: Two way Communications using Pipes, a Tk GUI and terminal Application. HE reference
2011-07-23 12:57:24 progress -Progress Bar Widget with Minimal Options RLE reference
2011-03-11 04:52:51 Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2009 AK reference
2013-03-24 04:37:01 Quick Access to Formatted Date & Time RLE reference
2009-07-05 11:46:02 Quick Debugging Feedback LVwikignoming reference
2014-05-20 22:35:27 Quick Formatting ANSI Colour Escape Strings AMG reference
2014-02-09 18:04:24 Re-using widgets specified in a Builder UI with gnocl::builder buffer dkf reference
2010-11-04 09:15:29 Reformatting Lines of Chinese Text dkf reference
2005-03-10 15:32:59 Restricting the Movement of Canvas Items lwv, reference
2008-04-01 11:42:40 Revert -Providing 'Revert' and Save Prompt Functionality to Text Editors LV reference
2015-09-02 22:47:14 Roll-Up -Modify MS-Windows palettes to provide Linux-like shading behaviour. pooryorick reference
2016-04-22 22:12:18 Scrolled listbox widget -Display a list, pick any item then perform some follow up action. gold reference
2018-03-05 17:06:12 Searching in a text widget WJG reference
2010-03-06 13:45:31 Setting single pixels in a gnocl::pixBuf dkf reference
2013-07-17 08:00:33 Simple ftp uploader pooryorick reference
2017-11-22 14:22:49 Simple Metakit viewer using Gnocl dbohdan reference
2019-01-07 12:41:06 Simple Queue WJG reference
2006-02-07 02:12:08 Simple Text Widget Sort reference
2015-12-03 21:08:51 Simple, Single Series Histogram paskali reference
2012-07-20 23:52:07 Spawning new GtkTextviews RLE reference
2021-02-21 07:29:20 Speech Synthesis, or Talk to me Tcl chw reference
2014-12-28 09:57:56 Spellchecking the Contents of the gnocl::text Widget. dbohdan reference
2021-06-19 11:41:16 String Difference WJG reference
2018-02-20 20:43:08 String occurrences WJG reference
2009-07-30 15:36:28 Suse RLH reference
2011-06-26 17:22:32 Switching between Unicode codes and characters WJG reference
2018-09-28 13:30:28 Tcl in comparison PeterLewerin reference
2018-04-29 20:08:17 Tcl is (not) almost dead AMG reference
2011-01-20 22:45:40 Tcl Marketing discussion amcp reference
2008-07-04 12:59:49 Tcl Math Syntax is Inferior to JavaScript/Python/Ruby/C/C++/Java/Perl/PHP techmisc reference
2016-04-04 11:19:48 Tcl/Tk Logos DavidZolli reference
2014-03-24 10:42:52 Tcl/Tk Office project anyone? WJG reference
2024-10-15 02:18:24 Tcl/Tk Printing Support kevin_walzer reference
2009-04-16 11:20:25 Tcl/Tk/Talks LV reference
2011-01-22 02:49:17 TclOO -Rendering text pages in OpenOffice Writer from a Tcl application. RLE reference
2013-01-29 02:19:50 TearoffTabBar -Notebook Style Access to Floating Palettes RLE reference
2018-12-21 23:11:46 Testing for Balanced Brackets and Braces. kpv reference
2016-10-28 09:07:57 Testing for Program Installation on Linux WJG reference
2017-08-20 17:44:40 Text Collapser pooryorick reference
2011-01-27 16:40:09 Text Drag -Drag and Drop for Text Widget Selections AKgnome reference
2013-02-28 19:00:34 TextZoom -Using mousewheel scrolling events to interactively re-size text widget content pooryorick reference
2011-12-05 01:49:39 TileGTK AMG reference
2016-06-24 04:29:02 Tk is obsolete Casteele reference
2011-05-03 00:11:48 Tk Tree Widget in C++ RLE reference
2013-09-01 23:29:38 ToolBar -An Alternative to the BWidget ButtonBox RLE reference
2019-02-11 07:48:45 Transparent Toplevel pooryorick reference
2012-08-26 13:40:15 TreePad -Structured multipage text editor using TreeCtrl RLE reference
2024-01-03 16:35:00 Two Way Pipe - Communicating with gnuchess. {William Giddings} reference
2013-01-20 17:40:49 Undo/Redo for Gnocl Text Widgets pooryorick reference
2008-12-01 10:57:17 Using Pango Text Markup Language in Gnocl Widget Labels wjg reference
2009-07-05 12:38:20 Using Tcl to search a Text Widget in Gnocl versions 0.9.92 and earlier LVwikignoming reference
2009-07-05 11:48:16 Validating gnocl::entry Values LVwikignoming reference
2019-12-23 19:28:50 Where is everyone? bll reference
2011-07-30 22:05:10 WhoAmI? -Gnocl widgets always know who they are RLE reference
2011-12-27 19:53:27 WhoAmI? -Letting proceedurally added widgets know their names RLE reference
2012-10-11 22:00:04 Wiki with style dkf reference
2012-09-27 10:35:08 WISH File Rusher LkpPo reference
2018-03-28 16:34:30 Wizard dbohdan reference
2013-12-29 19:50:45 Wordselect -Modifying the Text Widget Binding to Select Words Without any Surrounding Punctuation. RLE reference