References to, includes from, and redirects to if

Date Name Who What
2018-09-28 12:45:16 && PeterLewerin reference
2010-06-15 09:39:08 ?: lars_h reference
2020-10-19 19:52:49 A little math language gold reference
2020-10-19 12:33:21 A little math language revisited gold reference
2025-03-01 11:00:11 Additional math functions KSA reference
2015-09-18 02:35:50 An Introduction to Tcl Scripting pooryorick reference
2016-02-13 16:54:01 Answered Questions On: The Tk GUI escargo reference
2019-09-03 08:46:12 Ask, and it shall be given # 1 pooryorick reference
2015-04-28 15:48:39 Ask, and it shall be given # 4 MiHa reference
2015-09-01 18:20:42 Ask, and it shall be given # 5 pooryorick reference
2016-02-13 16:51:58 Ask, and it shall be given # 6 escargo reference
2021-01-01 23:07:59 Ask, and it shall be given # 7 KJN reference
2019-03-21 23:35:48 Ask, and it shall be given # 11 AMG reference
2014-05-25 22:51:23 auto_mkindex RLE reference
2021-03-03 11:40:17 Best Practices pooryorick reference
2021-05-22 15:53:42 BNF for Tcl FortyBot reference
2013-03-05 02:35:53 Branching with 'set' alone pooryorick reference
2008-01-17 17:12:56 Byticle sarnold reference
2018-10-24 11:52:29 catch stevel reference
2011-07-07 09:20:16 Category Control Structure dkf reference
2018-08-28 17:54:50 Code Generation pooryorick reference
2013-10-01 00:35:04 code is data RLE reference
2019-02-12 17:53:54 Combinator Engine kbk reference
2018-10-16 08:45:14 command JMN reference
2007-11-16 16:41:28 Commands affecting Bytecoding dkf reference
2018-03-16 10:16:19 comment name reference
2015-12-06 16:52:49 Comments in expressions pooryorick reference
2013-09-20 00:31:10 Comparing relations RLE reference
2013-02-08 02:03:58 Comparing Tcl with PHP RLE reference
2024-10-05 14:33:40 Comparing Tcl with Python CGM reference
2022-04-25 11:46:00 Config file using slave interp pooryorick reference
2022-03-26 12:58:12 continuation pooryorick reference
2014-06-12 07:10:52 control structure pooryorick reference
2021-12-21 15:42:49 Data analysis with Tcl pooryorick reference
2025-01-27 22:50:43 dict get ufko reference
2015-12-01 15:19:36 Dictionaries as Arrays pooryorick reference
2014-11-11 13:49:51 Dijkstra's guarded commands APN reference
2019-10-17 14:24:14 Directory recursion pooryorick reference
2020-01-18 20:33:34 double substitution yorickthepoor reference
2024-02-27 21:37:54 Dragon Counting Dice Game V3 , dice procedure algorithm and TCL 8.6 demo example calculator, numerical analysis gold8888 reference
2024-03-13 20:45:25 Dragon Counting Dice Game V4 , dice procedure algorithm and TCL 8.6 demo example calculator, numerical analysis gold7777 reference
2025-03-08 19:29:18 Dragon Counting Game V5 gold reference
2022-04-11 10:13:28 Einfach Tcl pooryorick reference
2011-07-07 09:25:55 else dkf reference
2011-07-07 09:26:58 elseif dkf reference
2013-09-16 15:06:04 eq DAH reference
2015-04-25 15:33:19 Erlang Idioms for Tcl pooryorick reference
2014-04-10 11:36:34 escargo EMJ reference
2020-08-29 16:19:33 eval pooryorick reference
2023-01-25 02:57:54 expr pooryorick reference
2023-11-15 11:17:27 expr shorthand for Tcl9 dbohdan reference
2023-07-23 18:05:41 Fast image resizing paul reference
2023-12-02 19:58:23 fileevent oehhar reference
2020-08-22 09:29:30 filter pooryorick reference
2023-11-04 12:31:07 for HE reference
2019-03-07 11:59:09 foreach pooryorick reference
2022-04-25 20:03:30 Functional Programming pooryorick reference
2020-10-18 19:38:51 Functional programming (Backus 1977) gold reference
2018-09-28 12:23:24 Getting a value or a default value PeterLewerin reference
2024-03-29 19:50:23 gold gold reference
2025-03-04 08:33:52 gotcl dbohdan reference
2013-12-16 18:56:06 hat0 AMG reference
2018-04-24 08:58:42 HelloWorld foo reference
2017-08-20 17:45:22 Higher order TIP discuss pooryorick reference
2004-01-21 13:47:24 How to make a Tcl application reference
2012-09-26 22:12:29 HTML generator RLE reference
2014-01-20 12:46:39 Huffman coding RLE reference
2016-04-09 01:48:25 identity function aspect reference
2018-05-06 17:43:33 idiom pooryorick reference
2014-05-25 04:44:32 if 0 { RLE reference
2010-03-01 09:01:55 If we had no if dkf reference
2015-02-08 21:59:04 Inf AMG reference
2020-02-24 12:59:47 Is Tcl Different! pooryorick reference
2012-12-04 17:01:22 Jittering toplevel pooryorick reference
2016-12-15 12:20:24 K foo reference
2011-07-23 03:49:29 keysyms for Tcl RLE reference
2012-01-26 02:21:52 KISS AMG reference
2016-02-15 18:07:02 knit dbohdan reference
2016-06-13 11:25:48 lindex sebastian reference
2021-09-10 13:31:20 list pooryorick reference
2014-04-22 00:18:22 List of Tcl commands by bytecode status AMG reference
2022-03-30 18:56:23 little language pooryorick reference
2019-01-26 05:44:49 localization chrstphrchvz reference
2016-12-08 05:58:12 lrepeat AMG reference
2006-10-31 12:17:25 lsort index vector reference
2015-04-25 21:38:11 manpages pooryorick reference
2016-01-26 10:07:10 Many ways to eval pooryorick reference
2018-09-28 13:18:21 Math Operators as Commands PeterLewerin reference
2015-03-14 18:56:40 metacharacter AMG reference
2012-10-15 08:59:42 Modeling COND with expr dkf reference
2011-07-28 01:12:16 Monads RLE reference
2003-03-20 18:42:34 Multiple comparisons reference
2016-09-26 12:00:27 namespace current pooryorick reference
2015-11-30 04:36:52 New Control Structures pooryorick reference
2022-04-11 13:32:31 Notes on continued fractions APE reference
2014-06-01 19:53:08 NRE: the non-recursive engine in Tcl 8.6 dkf reference
2024-03-28 11:43:52 One Line Proc Follow up V7 gold reference
2024-03-06 11:43:34 One Line Procedures Follow-up and Templates V6 and TCL 8.6 demo examples calculator, numerical analysis gold7777 reference
2024-03-28 17:17:39 One Line Procs Compendium V4 gold reference
2013-02-21 07:58:55 One Liners pooryorick reference
2021-07-05 14:49:49 One Liners Programs Pie in the Sky gold reference
2024-03-10 14:44:51 Oneliner's Pie in the Sky gold7777 reference
2022-04-11 10:25:03 Palindromes pooryorick reference
2013-09-26 20:01:09 Pasting commands into Tkcon PataElmo reference
2007-05-16 14:10:00 picoIRC 0.2 suchenwi reference
2012-09-23 22:28:14 Playing C4.5 RLE reference
2025-01-19 16:16:55 Playing LISP hoodiecrow reference
2024-03-02 16:00:04 Playing Recursion V2 >> demo examples for one liner programs gold7777 reference
2024-10-15 20:18:30 Poor Yorick pooryorick reference
2021-12-13 02:42:09 Proc to bytecodes: when, how does it happen typo reference
2012-06-11 11:40:55 procc RLE reference
2008-09-03 17:32:10 proof of concept: suspend and resume nem reference
2006-03-16 19:24:28 ranged switch reference
2022-10-09 11:15:57 Regular Expression Examples pooryorick reference
2016-07-10 11:36:24 RPN in Tcl dkf reference
2016-01-29 22:32:05 Script Compilation pooryorick reference
2015-10-09 05:28:14 Search pattern list pooryorick reference
2019-01-26 05:54:10 Shrinking an image chrstphrchvz reference
2024-09-27 15:41:38 Shuffle a list RPN reference
2021-09-20 13:26:22 Shuffle a list: graph results pooryorick reference
2012-09-18 11:37:16 Stress testing RLE reference
2017-03-30 19:57:33 substitution pooryorick reference
2013-11-30 13:09:55 Success-fail control structures pooryorick reference
2020-09-21 07:34:38 Sugar command macros stevel reference
2011-11-26 18:57:57 Sugar transformers RLE reference
2022-10-10 21:42:09 switch pooryorick reference
2016-03-04 07:56:04 Tail call optimization pooryorick reference
2016-12-01 16:40:50 Tcl 2.1 AMG reference
2023-11-15 11:06:29 Tcl 9.0 WishList dbohdan reference
2016-04-04 01:32:18 Tcl and octal numbers pooryorick reference
2018-02-14 09:13:50 Tcl Commands pooryorick reference
2018-10-29 20:20:56 TCL for beginners jos reference
2018-09-28 13:30:28 Tcl in comparison PeterLewerin reference
2013-05-29 03:48:33 Tcl Intro pooryorick reference
2012-05-24 08:33:51 Tcl language profiles dkf reference
2007-03-03 12:25:10 Tcl over Python reference
2007-01-08 12:59:04 tcl-null LV, reference
2018-09-28 13:31:22 tclchecker PeterLewerin reference
2016-01-27 14:24:41 TclNode js Object dbohdan reference
2023-07-14 13:08:29 tcltest pooryorick reference
2014-12-20 16:48:42 tclVM pooryorick reference
2017-11-15 06:37:39 TemplaTcl: a Tcl template engine ray2501 reference
2020-10-19 21:23:01 Testbed for Little_Math_Language V2 and TCL demo examples calculations, numerical analysis gold reference
2020-10-20 19:45:06 Testbed for Little_Math_Language V2 and TCL demo examples calculations, numerical analysis ed2 gold reference
2013-11-25 17:57:47 The anatomy of a bytecoded command suchenwi reference
2015-04-10 20:48:43 The Very Minimal Tcl Core Command Set dbohdan reference
2011-06-11 04:06:18 The way tcl works RLE reference
2012-07-09 20:35:22 The widespread misperception that Tcl is a 'toy' language AMG reference
2011-07-07 09:25:12 then dkf reference
2015-05-27 13:11:02 Tiny Tcl/Tk IDE wdb reference
2012-10-11 22:16:39 TIP proposal for Try-Catch Exception Handling dkf reference
2014-06-22 17:11:57 Toggling a Boolean Variable dkf reference
2015-12-29 21:22:18 Trees as nested lists pooryorick reference
2014-06-21 07:21:31 unless pooryorick reference
2024-02-03 20:59:53 What is Tcl CGM reference
2016-05-27 21:35:47 What some command arguments expect pooryorick reference
2022-04-25 11:44:18 while pooryorick reference
2022-06-01 13:31:58 Who says Tcl sucks... CGM reference
2017-02-06 21:18:35 Why Tcl has no GOTO command dkf reference
2014-04-20 19:57:33 Wibble change log AMG reference
2012-09-27 10:53:22 WikIndent LkpPo reference
2014-10-09 04:54:46 xbody pooryorick reference
2021-06-20 06:31:48 yieldTo pooryorick reference
2018-09-28 13:38:45 || PeterLewerin reference