Version 19 of A Tcl repository

Updated 2006-09-27 17:52:31

Purpose: Provide a "focal point" for people searching for Tcl extensions and applications

Policy: If you want to add an extension or an application, simply select the proper category, add the name and a short description and include a link as to where it can be found.

(AM, I created this page, 26 september 2006, because I realised that the Wiki is, with all its flaws, disorder and general unstructuredness a wonderful place that everybody can contribute to. It is very easy to add or correct information, the infrastructure to do this is all there. So, this page may not be the best repository the Tcl community can wish for, it is at least an easy one to maintain!)

Other repositories


  • Metakit - Embedded database system, emphasis on dynamic definition of tables (views). No administration required.
  • SQLite -Lightweight, embedded database system, ACID-proof, supports SQL.
  • tclodbc - tcl interface to ODBC databases (see ODBC for more packages)
  • mysqltcl - Mysqltcl is a simple API for Mysql-Database and Tcl scripting language.
  • The pgtcl [L4 ] package is a Tcl client interface to PostgreSQL.
  • The Oratcl [L5 ] package is a dynamic extension of the Tcl language that integrates Oracle OCI calls into a set of Tcl commands that allow Oracle access via Tcl. (see also Oratcl)



  • Tcl tutor - A GUI program that provides Tcl lessons at three levels
  • The official Tcl tutorial - derived from Tcltutor [L6 ]
  • Tcl manual pages - Detailed documentation of the various Tcl commands [L7 ]
  • Tk manual pages - Detailed documentation of the various Tk commands [L8 ]



  • Img - Extension to read and store pictures in various file formats
  • Plplot - Library for creating scientific plots (xy graphs, contour maps in 2D and 3D, ...). Output to various file formats or screen, bindings to numerous programming languages
  • TclMagick - Tcl front-end for the ImageMagick package, so you can create new pictures from existing ones, add text or merge pictures etc.
  • Tk3D - Tcl/Tk front-end for the OpenGL graphics libraries. Makes it possible to define and render three-dimensional pictures.
  • Tklib module Plotchart - Tcl-only package for presenting data in the form of xy graphs, histograms and contour maps
  • Tkzinc - Alternative to the canvas widget, 2D visualisation of numerous objects, uses OpenGL if available.
  • 3dcanvas - Is a widget that implements a three dimensional space in which structured

graphics can be rendered.

  • TclRFB (see [L9 ]) is a pure-Tcl implementation of the Remote Framebuffer (RFB) protocol that is used in the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) remote desktop application.


  • LA - Classical implementation of linear algebra in Tcl
  • NAP - "N-dimensional array processing", lets you manipulate large amounts of data with simple commands
  • Tcllib module math - Implementation of various mathematical packages in Tcl (solving differential equations, geometry, linear algebra, special functions)





  • BWidget - Collection of widgets implemented purely in Tcl/Tk
  • Tklib module ctext - Text editing widget with facilities for syntax highlighting
  • IWidgets - Widgets based on the [incr Tcl] and [incr Tk] extensions
  • Tablelist - Display and manipulate data in a tabular form (also part of Tklib)
  • TLC - Yet another collection of widgets
  • Tile - Implementation of the Tk theming engine to provide native look and feel widgets


Still more to come

And please: correct it, expand it whenever you feel like it!

SYStems mmm ... no. For one we already have the gutter [L10 ] if any work is to be done, I recommend it be done to improve our gutter make it work like debian's apt-get or Perl's CPAN (i.e. work on the command line interface, or the Tk interface ;))

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