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Name Date Who Snippet
frogger 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...Written by [DKF]. Makes substantial use of the '''[bitmap]''' [image] type, something which is rarely used. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-05-09 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "frogger" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Canvas3d 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...is currently maintained by Sean Woods [sdw].|& &| Updated:| 2013-10|& &| Contact:| See web site|& **Examples** [a] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-07-23 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Canvas3d" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 97.3MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Mentry 2024-11-29 nemethi ...2024 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Csaba Nemethi) ---- Mentry is also included in [tklib]. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2024-10-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Mentry in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28.3MB image which is made up of Alpine...
zint 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...backend in the subfolder "backend_tcl". This package is also included in great [AndroWish]. [zinttcldemo.png] [Jeff Smith] 2023-09-25 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “TCL ZINT with tk image output” in an Alpine Linux Docker container. It is a 27.9MB image which...
tkFPlot 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...Reithofer 2010-06-01 - links changed, description added Gerhard Reithofer 2023-05-08 - image links changed ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-10 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] (Print function disabled) <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="700" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=tkFPlot...
Wcb 2025-02-03 JeffSmith ...2024| | Contact:| mailto:[email protected] (Csaba Nemethi)| ---- Wcb is also included in [tklib]. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2025-02-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Wcb in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 29.9MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Raffle Games 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...Capture|Growth|% &|[img-raffle-capture]|[img-raffle-growth]|& %|Laser|Virus|% &|[img-raffle-laser]|[img-raffle-virus]|& ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-30 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Raffle Games" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Alana 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...www.metalevel.at/alana/alana-1.0.tar.gz http://www.metalevel.at/alana/alana.pdf ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-05 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Alana in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.5MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Mr Eastons Maths Game 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...maths.gif] It is freely available from http://www.easton.me.uk/tcl/maths/index.html ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-14 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Mr Eastons Maths Game in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made...
Yet Another Color Picker 2024-03-06 LES ...same as Tk's color picker. tclsh yacp.tcl -model rgb -mode static '#80a0a0' ====== [img-yacp] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-20 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Yet Another Color Picker" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made...
SplineEditor 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...net/projects/irrational-numbers/files/SplineEditor-1.0.zip/download] [image SplineEditor-intro] [image Snoopy-editing] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2022-03-31 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "SplineEditor" in a Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28.4MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Boton Spinbox 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...text [ciclo "JPEG GIF BMP SVG" [.t.c cget -text]] }] -x 0 -y 0 wm withdraw . ====== ---- [Jeff Smith] 2023-05-16: Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Boton Spinbox" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Fun with canvas 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...10 circles kept on canvas mainLoop $canvasPath 29 20 10 ====== ---- '''[saito] - 2023-06-06''' Nice animation! ---- [Jeff Smith] 2023-06-07 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Fun-with-canvas" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up...
TeTkis 2024-05-22 arjen ...deprecation separated from the current standard audio streaming interfaces on Desktop Linux. (OSS->ALSA->PulseAudio->PipeWire) ---- [Jeff Smith] 2024-05-22 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs TeTkis in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.5MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Highlighter 2025-02-21 ABU ...shell ====== wish ..../Highlighter-1.x/main.tcl ====== or ====== wish .../Highlighter-1.x/main.tcl mydoc.pdf ====== ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-09-01 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Highlighter" in a Debian-Slim Linux Docker Container. It is a 162MB image which is made up of Debian...
tkEngine 2025-01-08 JeffSmith ...then engine in motion. The program also figures out the maximum frame rate for the images. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-11-27 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "tkEngine" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of Alpine...
TclStars 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ---- [http://tcl.tk/starkits/stars.gif] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-19: Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="1000" width="1000" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=TclStars" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml>> ---- [Richard Suchenwirth] - The world is more than what [Tclworld] shows...
Xmas Stars 2022-08-17 JeffSmith ...Have fun. Merry Christmas. ---- [GPS]: I like it. It makes some beautiful patterns. Thanks for sharing :) ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-16 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="610" width="810" src="https://cloudtk.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Xmas-Stars" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Wavy Text 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...For grins, try morphing the bitmap of John Ousterhout which is in the tk demo directory.) ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-03-30 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Wavy Text" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Cursor demo 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...For a neat arrangements in alphabetic columns, the long list is split into several column lists:} [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-21 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="400" width="380" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Cursor-demo" allowfullscreen></iframe...
TkSoroban 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...Mathematical Circus" for details. For another mathematical toy, see [A little slide-rule]. [WikiDbImage tksoroban.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-08-29 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="200" width="300" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=TkSoroban" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Kaleidoscope 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...the [canvas] for a new random pattern. [WikiDbImage kal1.gif] [WikiDbImage kal2.gif] [WikiDbImage kal3.gif] } ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-01 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="200" width="200" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Kaleidoscope" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
A symmetric doodler 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...screen shot of it running on my HP Jornada. [http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jakeforce/iDoodle.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-02 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="500" width="500" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=A-symmetric-doodler" allowfullscreen...
Dots and Boxes 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...as ''Pigs and Sties'' in the North of England, and as ''Käsekästchen'' (Cheese Boxes) in Germany. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-04-04 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Dots and Boxes" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 29.4MB image which is made up...
Rolling credits 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...this plaything that simulates credits of a movie, rolling over the [canvas] screen. [WikiDbImage credits.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-11-06 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Rolling credits in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Growing tree 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...parameters controls such as tree height, trunk bending, branch level or angle. [growingtree-ttk-win10.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-17 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="450" width="800" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Growing-tree" allowfullscreen></iframe...
TclPlanets 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ---- [WikiDbImage tclplanets.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-19 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="800" width="800" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=TclPlanets" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml>> ---- A [starkit] of this code is available on [sdarchive]. [Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-11...
Bouncing DVD Logo 2024-02-11 stevel ...gk4EH3l2SccaoQdGFx7+yVYHICjIcgcgXFsACG D81U4WoDyreddfeINOCGFHnTY4YgkiqgdcjFu1wGLMLLWIn4LeshWjRZeyON6MM4oYYSrAXkidQ7eRy SKJe5opJNJDvH1mYE2YuSPjlXl2CSJWrJUZWtX9hikkhqu2GIkXLr3Xmz+uWgmnHFa+SNda2q4oZsql jnnnWxmmKJlYTYHJI18tiknohwGiIyfT0L5aB1/apMopRyk2Yujg0bpTklDdinll5oJ1p+XnMbTqYnY MVmppaSu2mCpP82K5JSWwtreq6cCumSV4NRqa4Gy9rkprqYGKlyjwIoaa7B5tnprrzIim2sljk4qrLE o6grqnITOlOmy3SqqLbmHeluuueS5FC6k6aobLLPTyhvqtw+iqqq0x2Lr7LNSfPKbd/8OTHDBBh+McM IKL8xwww4/DHHEEk9MccUJFAAAOw== } ====== [Jeff Smith] 2022-10-18 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Bouncing DVD Logo" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up...
Tile Table 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...to the column headers to visually indicate that the column is sorted in a given direction. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-10 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="340" width="600" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Tile-Table" allowfullscreen></iframe...
Nominatim Demo 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...SSL from http://wiki.tcl.tk/2627 (especially the autoproxy code), now it seems to work. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-02-26 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Nominatim Demo" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28.6MB image which is made up of...
Atlantis Cafe Illusion 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...04 Minor change to remove some unused variables. [KJN] 2008-10-17 remove some corrupted text ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-09-01 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Atlantis Cafe Illusion" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up...
Water surface graphics demo 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...little demo :). I did not know the original, but this could not miss attracting my attention. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2023-01-08: Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “Water surface graphics demo” in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made...
Tcl Tutor 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...to version 3.b06 ---- See also [tktutor] and [tcltutorial], the "read only" version of the tutorial. ---- ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-26 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs TclTutor in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.8MB image which is made up of Alpine...
DVD Logo Screensaver 2024-02-13 JeffSmith ...colors image create photo ::img::logo ::img::logo copy [lindex $::S(logos) 0] DoDisplay } Main Animate ====== [Jeff Smith] 2024-02-13 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "DVD Logo Screensaver" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up...
Scrollutil 2025-01-23 JeffSmith ...is an ancestor of the widget in question and is contained in the latter's toplevel. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-23 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Scrollutil" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 29.9MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Bulging Line Illusion 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...inward rather than outward. [vetter_BulgingLineIllusion_wiki8340_GLWB_screenshot_405x470.jpg][vetter_BulgingLineIllusion_wiki8340_GLBW_screenshot_409x469.jpg] ---- 2019-04-21: Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Bulging-Line-Illusion" allowfullscreen...
A Simple Fan Animation 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...fan. You can vary the speed, direction, number and color of the blades and the size. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-10-15 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-19 : This demo has been changed to run "A Simple Fan Animation" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container...
Tk_Bugz 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...http://www2.iland.net/~jgodfrey/tk_bugz.kit, use http://www.jeffgodfrey.com/development.shtml instead. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-26 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=TkBugz" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Tkeyes 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...epoch] .canvas1} bind .canvas1 <ButtonPress> { moreeyes %x %y } ====== ---- [Tkeyes big eyes screen2.png] [gold] added pix ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-19 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Tkeyes" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.5MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Fraction visualization 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...exit pack {*}[winfo children $f1] -side left -padx 2 ====== Screenshot of the above: [Fraction visualization screenshot] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-15 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="425" width="415" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Fraction-visualization" allowfullscreen></iframe...
Bar Code generator 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...code is displayed and automatically saved to PNG file for later print it to a label. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2023-09-25 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “Bar Code generator” in an Alpine Linux Docker container. It is a 28.6MB image which is made up...
Text Spinner 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...As usual, I've provided a short demo which displays ten different spinners all animating simultaneously. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-02 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="1400" width="1800" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Graphics demo: RANDU Spectral Test 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...but from other angles, it becomes obvious that the points all lie on 15 distinct planes. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2023-09-15 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “Graphics demo: RANDU Spectral Test” in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is...
MasterMind 2 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...right. [WikiDbImage mastermind.jpg] The [Mastermind] page has an earlier implementation I wasn't aware of. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-07-01 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "MasterMind 2" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
TkPong 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...and 'l' keys. [http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FDA3N96YFtA/SSylsKA2p4I/AAAAAAAAAAw/I62t0ZWgncg/s400/tkpong-screenshoot.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-07-18 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="410" width="530" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=TkPong" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Graphs: BFS an DFS animated demo 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...FF] - 2009-01-30 - This program is an animated demonstration of BFS and DFS searches. [bfsScreenshot] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-07-18 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="540" width="605" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Graphs-BFS-an-DFS...
Lissajous Figures 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...Spirograph], another was drawing Lissajous figures. A [starkit] version of this code is available on [sdarchive]. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Lissajous-Figures" allowfullscreen></iframe...
ttk::spinbox 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...inhibit normal spinbox processing, or else your hexadecimal values will be "corrected" back to the minimum. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2017-10-22 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “Spinhex” in an Alpine Linux Docker container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Starfield 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...are the problem). Double clicking in the window will toggle the display of a control panel. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-10 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Sleepcalc a sleep calculator 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...you wake up at one of these times, you will be fit and cheerful [sleepcal-img] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-23 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="300" width="400" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Sleepcalc" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
A crossword game 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...my website [http://aldavies.net/games/]. I've called it CrossWaysWords to avoid confusion with trademarks. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-17 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs CrossWaysWords in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 29.3MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Memory 2 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...is: [WikiDbImage memory.jpg] (Screenshot in Cheat mode - normally you see at most two cards exposed.) ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-09-02 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Memory 2" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Emoji, Unicode and Variation Selectors 2024-01-29 MG ...hex 0xFE0E] set FE0F [format %c%c $hex 0xFE0F] Show $tree $codepoint $raw $FE0E $FE0F $name } ====== ---- [Jeff Smith] 2024-01-16 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “Emoji, Unicode and Variation Selectors” in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28.3MB image which is...
Meb 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...0.4 * [Stu] 2015-05-28 Version 0.3 * [Stu] 2015-05-20 Version 0.2 ---- [Jeff Smith] 2022-08-27 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Meb" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 50.6MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Drawing rounded polygons 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...the radiobuttons at the bottom of the GUI. [vetter_Drawing-rounded-polygons_wiki8590_screenshot_508x547.jpg] ------ ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-08-26 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="550" width="550" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Drawing-rounded-polygons" allowfullscreen...
HP-15 Simulation 2025-01-12 JeffSmith ...for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X** !!!!!! [https://hp-15c-simulator.de/images/HP-15C.png] !!!!!! ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-02 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs HP-15 Simulation in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28.5MB image which is made up...
Jeopardy 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...cells and it will display the ''Answer'', and another click will reveal the ''Question''. [screenshot_jeopardy] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-11-07 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. Reduced Font size to display on laptop screens. You may have to click on the noVNC tab at the side and display...
hyperhelp-package 2025-01-11 JeffSmith ...supply the `--commandsubst` flag. **Image** Below is an image of the running application. [dgw::hyperhelp-image] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-11 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs HyperHelp in an Alpine Linux Docker container. It is a 28.6MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Cubic Function Explorer 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...insist is too weak to do anything but function as a paper weight or door stop. ------ [Jeff Smith] 2021-03-23 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Cubic Function Explorer" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up...
IFS 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...H. Juergens, D. Saupe, ''Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science'', Springer-Verlag, 1992, Chapter 5. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-07-06 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "IFS" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of Alpine...
A little sluice simulation 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...difficult it can be to get a simple idea implemented in a sort of robust way... } ---- ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-26 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="310" width="610" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=A-little-sluice-simulation...
Scotch Yoke 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...into rotary motion or vice-versa. [WikiDbImage scotchyoke.jpg] See also [Geneva Drive] and [Gear Animation]. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-12 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="600" width="800" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Etwas Warmes braucht der Mensch 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...it's very simple to change the '''font create ...''' lines to supported fonts and fitting sizes. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-11-22 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Etwas Warmes braucht der Mensch" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is...
Pythagoras Tree 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...traditionally used to depict the Pythagorean theorem. ---- [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/wiki_images/pythagorasTree.png] [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-21: Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Pythagoras-Tree" allowfullscreen></iframe...
GooWee 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...1 and Steve Redler's [weeCalc] in window #3. [https://equi4.com/pub/etc/goowee.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-09 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-21 : This demo has been changed to run "GooWee" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a...
TkAsciiArt 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...better to use dedicated image software to better shrink and crop the image. ---- [WikiDbImage TkAsciiArt.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-04-19 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "TkAsciiArt" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 20.7MB image which is made up of Alpine...
ReacTcl example: Grv 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...search results [grv_main] A File View window with search results highlighted [grv_file] ****Live Demo**** [Jeff Smith] 2023-09-17 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “ReacTcl example: Grv” in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.8MB image which is made up...
Clock of Clocks 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...hands rotate to create to create the digits for showing the time. [clock_of_clocks_image] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-28 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="200" width="790" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Clock-of-Clicks" allowfullscreen...
Multi-column Listbox with Button 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...event. I've included a demo to show how to use it. see also [CheckedListBox Widget] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-10 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. Please note the online demo does not display the <<ButtonListBoxPress>> {puts "Button Press for %d" } as it appears on the TTY terminal...
Impossible Triangle 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...bracket". You have to stabilize the warp engines in their cowling, you know. ;) ---- [impossible_triangle_image2] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-21 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="850" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Impossible-Triangle" allowfullscreen></iframe...
Dice 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...DrawStack''' which draws many dice in stacks of four. As usual, I've included a demo. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-28 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="1200" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Dice" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Picture of the Day Demo 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...and evaluates it in a safe interpreter. It then extracts the functionality from the safe interpeter. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2023-09-01 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs “Picture of the Day Demo” in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 29.2MB image which is...
Tic Tac Toe 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...as an exersize for the reader (plus my 5 year old likes to win when playing). ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-24 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Tic-Tac-Toe" allowfullscreen...
SkipList Demo 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...More more details of this cool data structure see the reference on the tcllib [skiplist] page. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-10 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs SkipList Demo in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Creating an animated display, part 2 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...working in the same framework. I added a little user-interface to make it work smoother. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-08-30 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="380" width="400" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Creating-an-animated-display...
Fun with canvas 2 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...2023-06-26 Inspiration was the image on this page: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/461759768057576269/ ---- [Jeff Smith] 2023-07-16 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Fun with canvas 2" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made...
Colors with Names 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...of it). Anyway, what I'm doing is trying to understand all of the code, first. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-14 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="700" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Wordle 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...be found online or from most any linux system at path /usr/share/dict/linux.words ---- [Jeff Smith] 2022-01-23 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Wordle" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.7MB image which is made up of Alpine...
L-system 2D 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...by an angle `-`: Rotate clockwise by an angle `[`: Push data into stack `]`: Pop data outside stack ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-08-27 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="580" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=L-system-2D" allowfullscreen...
Puzzle Blocks 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...the pieces for the boat puzzle. The bird is above. [vetter_PuzzleBlocks_boat_screenshot_635x550.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-09-05 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Puzzle Blocks" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Moon Lander 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...Fifty years ago today! Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] 1969-07-20 : Neil Armstrong - “'''Houston''', Tranquility Base here. '''The Eagle has landed'''” Unfortunately this script produces the below error when holding the key so no [Moon Lander] demo today! ====== divide by zero while executing "expr {10 / $interval) (procedure...
Møiré Patterns 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...e. this is the Moire pattern that is shown before any fiddling with the control widgets. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-07-14 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Møiré Patterns" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Geneva Drive 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...thing:1642 * http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1616 [HJG]: See also [Scotch Yoke] and [Gear Animation] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-04 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="600" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Lights On 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...too larger to fit in smartphone screen resolution. [http://wfr.tcl.tk/fichiers/images/lightson.gif] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-23 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=LightsOn" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Fun with functions 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...plane... hope you enjoy it too! ---- A [starkit] version of this code is available on [sdarchive]. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-09 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="450" width="600" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Fun-with-functions" allowfullscreen...
Octabug 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...it's a simple perspective projection. ---- A [starkit] version of this code is available on [sdarchive]. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-04 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="750" width="600" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
SpiroGraph 2025-01-17 JeffSmith ...didn't see the font problem--but it could be that I'm running on windows. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-08-28 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-08 : This demo now runs with Tcl9. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Tk Dali Clock 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...without saying so; is that correct? [KPV] fixed ---- [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/images/daliclock.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-10-09 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="230" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Razzle Dazzle 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...points. Unfortunately for the player, he never actually gets that last point. [razzle_dazzle_screen_small] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-25 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="1050" width="1250" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Razzle-Dazzle" allowfullscreen></iframe...
Drawing with epicycles and the Fourier transform 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...gaps. * The display logic is fairly straightforward use of the Tk canvas. [Drawing with epicycles screenshot] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-07-21 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. '''(The iFrame will go black for a while just wait for the demo to load.) ''' '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run...
Divisible by 7 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...does it work? Here's a hint: the white arrows correspond to 10x mod 7. [7divScreenShot] [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-21 : Below is an online demo using CloudTk <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="850" width="950" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Divisible-by-7" allowfullscreen...
My popup "Date Entry" widget with msgcat 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...a/msysc.org/intranet/1.png] [https://sites.google.com/a/msysc.org/intranet/2.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-02-08 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "My popup "Date Entry" widget with msgcat" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image...
Maritime Signal Flags 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...based the flags on [http://www.anbg.gov.au/flags/signal-flags.html]. [WikiDbImage maritime.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="700" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Maritime-Signal-Flags" allowfullscreen...
3D polyhedra with simple tk canvas 2025-01-08 JeffSmith ...http://gersoo.free.fr/wiki/w14283/3display.jpg] [http://gersoo.free.fr/wiki/w14283/3display1.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-07-13 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-19 : A new demo using 3display.kit which has more shapes. This demo runs "3D polyhedra with simple...
Falling Marbles 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...with better resizing behavior, sound and more controls. [KPV] 2003-05-02 : added no ramp mode ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-28 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="550" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Gear Animation 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...effects. [HJG] see also: [Geneva Drive] and [Scotch Yoke] ** Changes ** [PYK] 2012-12-03: removed [update] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-05-05 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Gear Animation in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
TkChat 2025-02-05 apn ...to the Tcl community. [https://web.archive.org/web/20151130031516/tkchat.tcl.tk/tkchat-small.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-06 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs TkChat in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 43.6MB image which is made up of Alpine...
wrapframe 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...15 place [button [.cf2 getframe].but2 -text BUTTON(B,2)] -x 10 -y 45 } demo ====== <<enddiscussion>> ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-02-01 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "wrapframe" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Zen Loops 2025-01-16 JeffSmith ...as a starpack for OS X with a screenshot icon: http://rkroll.com/tclwiki/zenloops.zip ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-06-23 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Zen Loops" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
crosswords game 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...problems with the font that is used). *** Images *** I was not able to put an image.... ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-01-10 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "crosswords game" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
The Classic 15 Puzzle 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...to play. ---- [KPV] I generalized this code in [N-Puzzle] to work with any size board. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-03-18 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "The Classic 5 Puzzle" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made...
Collapse 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...new line. ---- The "pocket edition" is at [Collapse (iPaq)] :-) ** Screenshot ** [WikiDbImage TCL_wiki_Collapse_Game.PNG] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-11-06 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Collapse in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Pave, sort of geometry manager 2025-03-13 aplsimple ...tcl/pave/files/test2nt.png%|%test2_pave.tcl demo themed%|%] ''Figure 4. Themed non-ttk widgets''. ** ** ---- [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-12 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Pave, sort of geometry manager" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 30.4MB image which is...
TriPeaks Solitaire 2025-01-08 JeffSmith ...the code above creates. [vetter_TriPeaks_feltAndCards_screenshot_741x416.jpg] [vetter_TriPeaks_helpWindow_screenshot_513x537.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-12-15 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs TriPeaks Solitaire in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.5MB image which is made up of...
awthemes 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...is specified instead of a widget, the *Listbox.* color configurations are changed in the options database. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-06-19 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs awthemes in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.8MB image which is made up of Alpine...
1010! 2025-01-08 JeffSmith ...on my smart phone so I decided to write my own version of it. [1010! screenshot2] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-19 : This demo has been changed to run "1010!" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a...
scat 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...that this code generates. [vetter_Scat_feltAndCards_screenshot_629x547.jpg] [vetter_Scat_helpWindow_screenshot_498x490.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-11-11 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "scat" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.5MB image which is made up of Alpine...
Triangle Madness 2025-01-11 JeffSmith ...KPV] 2021-02-10 : Added 4 more Morley's Miracle equilateral triangles formed using exterior angles. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-09-05 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2021-02-11 : Updated demo with 2021-02-10 changes. [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-11 : The demo now runs with...
An analog clock in Tk 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...to scale. Nothing new about the clock itself. 2017-4-26 working properly on windows now. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-13 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=An-analog-clock-in...
A little Yahtzee game 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...pseudo-random number generator. I hope it's fixed now. ''KBK'' 6 October 2000 ---- [IMG_TKYahtzee] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-02-24 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "A little Yahtzee game" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made...
Tk Robots 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...and scrollable help window. [vetter_TkRobots_gameBoard_screenshot_925x625.jpg] [vetter_TkRobots_helpWindow_screenshot_513x711.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-08-11 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Tk Robots" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
Celtic Knot 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...achieve correct interlacing (see proc FakeCrossing for details). ---- [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/images/CelticKnot.png] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-26 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Celtic Knot" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
tablelist 2025-01-24 JeffSmith ...nemethi.de/tablelist/config.png] Other screenshots are [http://www.nemethi.de/tablelist/screenshots.html%|%here]. [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-24 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "tablelist" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 29.2MB image which is made up of Alpine...
trains3.tcl 2025-01-12 JeffSmith ...with left (faster), middle (emergency stop), and right (slower, or back) mouse buttons. [WikiDbImage trains.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-06-30 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-12 : This demo now runs with Tcl9. '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes...
tkAtaxx 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...later in 1995. That one, however, requires compiling C code and only works on Unix boxes. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="600" width="500" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=tkAtaxx" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Hold'Em Solitaire 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...screenshot_1021x711.jpg] This is an image captured at the beginning --- before any cards are dealt. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-04-22 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Hold'Em Solitaire" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.5MB image which is made up...
3D Maze 2022-04-11 APE ...starkit's help information, so that someone with problems knows where to submit questions and comments? ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-08-18 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-19 : This demo has been changed to run "3D Maze" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is...
TkPool 2025-01-12 JeffSmith ...20110617113213/www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~nem/TkPool.gif] 0.4 PocketPC: [WikiDbImage TkPool_ce.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-13 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2025-01-12 : This demo now runs with Tcl9. <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="600" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl...
Solving Logic Puzzles 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...Give a try at solving them by hand then check out how well the program does. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-03-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Solving Logic Puzzles" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up...
Video Poker 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...here [http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy/tcl/context/Video_Poker.zip] ---- [vetter_VideoPoker_screenshot_423x483.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-03 : Below is an online demo using [Cloudtk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="470" width="550" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Video-Poker" allowfullscreen></iframe...
Dot to Dots 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...lists of point coordinates for drawing about eleven different shapes: dolphin, elephant, horse, rabbit, snowman, etc. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-04-13 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Dot to Dots" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up...
Word Jumble 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...is a script that people can use to satisfy their 'Wheel of Fortune' or 'Boggle' addiction. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-07-29 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Word Jumble in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.5MB image which is made up of...
Fractal Mountains 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...and it could probably be optimized better for OpenGL. But its nifty nontheless. [GL Fractal Mountains] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-08-24 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="500" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=Fractal-Mountains" allowfullscreen></iframe...
tkmines 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...windows at once). Better to use a few more images and put everything on a canvas. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-05-03 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="650" width="650" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=tkmines" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Gub 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...really tired of the drudgery of making changes to a GUI then Gub is for you. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2022-08-27 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs "Gub" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 50.7MB image which is made up of Alpine...
tkGoldberg 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...effects. Perhaps I will capture the action in a movie file someday and post it here. ----- [Jeff Smith] 2019-04-28 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] <<inlinehtml>> <iframe height="750" width="1050" src="https://cloudtk-app.tcl-lang.org/cloudtk/VNC?session=new&Tk=tkGoldberg" allowfullscreen></iframe> <<inlinehtml...
Gem Game 2023-10-25 JeffSmith ...control buttons along the left side, instead of along the top. [vetter_GemGame_screenshot_432x337.jpg] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-07-09 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs Gem Game in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of...
GRIDPLUS2 2025-01-16 JeffSmith ...www.satisoft.com/tcltk/gridplus2/gpexample4-2.gif] [http://www.satisoft.com/tcltk/gridplus2/gpexample6-2.gif] ---- [Jeff Smith] 2020-08- : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs GridPlus2 example 6 in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 29.3MB image which is made up...
OpenSky App 2023-10-26 JeffSmith ...DoDisplay in order to fit the whole gui in my screen. Keith,Thanks for sharing this. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2021-07-14 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk]. This demo runs the "OpenSky App" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28.4MB image which is made up...